First kiss


Well-known member
I'm 27 and last night I kissed a girl for the first time. It was kind of awkward. But I did it, and I did it for a good few minutes.

Yay me!


Nice work

That's fantastic. I'm still young, so I got plenty of years to go.

At this point, I don't see it happening. But hey, anything can happen.


Active member
Falcon said:
I'm 27 and last night I kissed a girl for the first time. It was kind of awkward. But I did it, and I did it for a good few minutes.

Yay me!

That's cool man. I always like to see people who can hold out that long for someone. right on to you brosef


Well-known member
Thats great news, i was nineteen when i had my first kiss and you do get that rush of blood to the head feeling of excitement when it happens, afterwards i thought to myself why was i beating myself up for waiting so long as its not really that important unless your genuinelly after a relationship which at the time i was just happy being this indipendant character, its been fun to see what alcohol does to peoples confidence over the years, one of my confident outgoing friends becomes suicidal and just plain rude when he is drunk its the complete opposite of what he is really like, she was the closest thing i ever had to a girlfriend until SA tried to control things.


Well-known member
Conrgatulations mate :wink: is there any possibility of something more coming from it like a realtionship or was it just a one off?