First day of school. Panic attack.


New member
I have had panic attacks for 5 years. But I've gotten them bad since I moved to this new school in January. I sometimes had them at school in the morning before school, on the bus, or first hour. And sometimes the whole time. It's really scary and I'm afraid it will happen again. I know I'll probably be fine at school, but in the morning while getting ready I have so much time to think and do so much of it. But I can never convince myself everything will be fine.
OK, so school starts on the 20th. My first day as a freshman in high school. I had a bad panic attack on the first day of summer school this year, and stayed home that day because it was so bad. I'm afraid it's going to happen again, but I really cannot miss my first day. My mom can't get me to a doctor until September because of some mix up with health insurance. Does anyone have any advice?



That's a shame there is a problem with your health insurance which is preventing you from getting an appointment to see a doctor until September. I don't really know how the health system works in the US (I'm in the UK so it's a bit different over here).

I understand what you mean about feeling bad in the mornings, that's when I feel worse.
A colleague picks me up in the mornings to give me a lift to work and I always find that I feel really on edge while I'm waiting for him to arrive. I think it's because there is nothing to occupy my mind during those times, I'm just standing around waiting for 10 minutes or so and it makes me anxious, then the more I think about it the worse I get! By that time the adrenalin has kicked in and it sparks off a panic attack.
I have medication which my doctor prescribed so if I get too bad I take a tablet to help calm me down.

Have you tried asking the pharmacist if there is any 'over the counter' medication you can take which may help calm you down? It may help to get you through it until you can get an appointment with a doctor.

I really hope you will feel better soon. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you any better advice.

Just remember that you are not alone!


I also get very nervous about going to college the night before and it keeps me awake. Walking to college is even worse I try to think positive but nothing will blank out my panic attacks. I get very shakey as-well especially when I am on my own I am always on edge as if something bad is going to happen.

When people keep having panic attacks about 5 times a day and they go all shakey and their heart beats fast, will this effect your heart when you are older?


New member
I don't think that will effect your heart when you are older, but you should try to solve your problem with the health insurance and visit a doctor ASAP.