Fingertips Still Sweaty


New member
I've been doing that Iono treatment for about a year now, and I've got my entire palm dry except the tips of my fingers.

Does this happen to anyone else? Is it possible to get the fingertips dry as well?
Any tips would be appreciated,


Well-known member
Hi sharkk.

This is very common, the fingertips are hardest to treat and is the first to sweat in our/my hands for some reason?.

I have used Idrostar ionto for a few years now and have exactly the same problem as you.

What was working for me was dehydral-cream from canada (order it online). Took it only one my fingertips 4-5 times first week and after that 1-2 times a week before bedtime. It is ment too use on feet,but i heard many have used it on hands. The side-effect I have heard about is that some people have get a bit yeallow where they use it,this has not happen to me.

Maybe because I dont use it so much or over so much space.

But remember this is just at tip,and because it has worked for me,it may not for U,but worth a shoot:)
Its like many other products I have tried whit no sucsess for me,but others have?. I just dont know the reason for it ? But that is the way I see it.

I have wrote some related stuff in here before,also about ionto,products etc,but hope this can be of some help to U.


New member
Hi sharkk.

This is very common, the fingertips are hardest to treat and is the first to sweat in our/my hands for some reason?.

I have used Idrostar ionto for a few years now and have exactly the same problem as you.

What was working for me was dehydral-cream from canada (order it online). Took it only one my fingertips 4-5 times first week and after that 1-2 times a week before bedtime. It is ment too use on feet,but i heard many have used it on hands. The side-effect I have heard about is that some people have get a bit yeallow where they use it,this has not happen to me.

Maybe because I dont use it so much or over so much space.

But remember this is just at tip,and because it has worked for me,it may not for U,but worth a shoot:)
Its like many other products I have tried whit no sucsess for me,but others have?. I just dont know the reason for it ? But that is the way I see it.

I have wrote some related stuff in here before,also about ionto,products etc,but hope this can be of some help to U.
Thanks for your reply.
I'm going to try Ionto on my fingers only (not my entire hands) for a few weeks and see what happens before i try any creams or anything.
I'll post here with updates.

Soy Sauce

Well-known member
I don't have an answer for you, but I use the Drionic unit, and sometimes, I have a 1-inch strip accross my palm that sweats because that part doesn't really come in contact with water. It looks kind of funny actually. Usually not a problem though.