Finding old classmates on facebook or myspace.. how depressi


Well-known member
Getting married and having kids isnt necasserily the most important thing in life, it depends what it means to each individual. I'm pretty sure its not for me, as it would probably add more anxiety and stress to my life, especillaly kids. I think i probably function better by myself, even though i suppose that has its downsides aswell sometimes and im sure for many people marriage and kids is great. But theres no point getting married just for the sake of it, as you probably regret it. Just do what you want, if you have a vision in your head of exactly what you want in life, keep imagining it and make it happen.


Well-known member
I am same.

I feel same way and it makes me sense to move another state and start a new life.It can be effective but it is true that we can not run away from our past.We may remember bad things somehow...
Moving another city works for a short time.It is temporary solve...I do not know this illness's cure actually, I think medication cure and theraphy do not work...


I used to have a facebook and I came across my old best friend, who now has the perfect life.. Gorgeous, perfect body, great job, tons of friends, travels a lot (and she's only 20) while I'm pretty much stuck exactly where I was when we last saw each other at age 14, although aged 7 years and about 50 lbs heavier.
I was always the smart one out of our group of friends, and now I haven't even finished high school at 21. She asked what I was doing these days and I had to tell her I was cleaning hotel rooms and still live with my parents.
She told me she was coming to my city and wanted to get together and that was it, I deleted my facebook and haven't gone back since.
I'm happy for her success, but I'm so ashamed of my life.


Well-known member
I've found that facebook is the only way for me to actually keep in touch with my friends.

The people that I went to highschool aren't on my facebook, because they aren't my friends anymore. You don't HAVE to have a bunch of random people that you hardly know on your facebook... I just have my friends co-workers and family... just the people that I care to actually keep in touch with.

For me its way easier than e-mail (which seems so formal) and msn (which seems to be just for chatting) I can keep in touch without having to be constantly available to chat - I hate that kind of pressure from msn.

I got facebook about a year ago when I got my last job because my co-workers wanted to have a way to invite me out and message me about stuff. For me, facebook was almost a new social beginning instead of an awkward blast from the past.

Fuck the people you went to highschool with. Comparing yourself to peoples facebook profiles is like comparing yourself to models on airbrushed billboard ads... its mostly a facade... in reality they look a hell of a lot more like you than you think.


Well-known member
well one of my EX BEST FRIENDS just got married to the biggest idiot jerk ive ever met. a few of my friends asked "so whens the divorce?" im really not that jealous of people who get married. because ANYONE can get married, it doesnt take talent or doesnt mean you are a loser if you arent. i mean look at people who are on the bachelor. they are probably some of the best looking, outgoing people, yet they still havent found love in their 30s. i really want to be married by the time im 25. so i have a few years.

but this girl that just got married WAS my best friend. we're not friends mainly bc she insulted me by not putting me in her wedding. shes the biggest materialistic bitch i have ever seen in my life and i am SO GLAD we arent friends anymore. i dont want to be associated w/ people like that. anyway i wont go there..theres a lot more to that story but dont feel like explaining it.

but about finding old classmates, i have like 20+ people ive found who i grew up with, and not one of them am i jealous of. most of my little boyfriends (all four of them)... have like gone crazy. theyre like humping girls in all their pics, and they think theyre all so bad-ass, its really stupid. not one of my classmates, boys or girls, have gotten married yet. anyway i dont really get jealous of people that easily. im either happy for them, or dont think theyre life is that great cmpared to mine.

if you are jealous of other people, dont add them as your friend on facebook, its probably best for you if you dont. it will just be a constant reminder.