feelings of rage


Well-known member
i just uncontroble of feelings of rage i cant control them ive dicided to go off alchohol aswell its obviously not a good thing i just hate these feelings of rage its also not good if im ever in a working environment and someone says any thing to me thats offensive or undermines me in any way i feel like im going to explode


Well-known member
exercise, exercise, exercise. Get it all out in the morning maybe with strenuous cardio.

I find the biggest factor for my rage is through what I eat. It's different for everybody.

Aggression/anger problems, along with anxiety, along with depression (if you have?). The bounty of symptoms leads me to believe that there might be something you're eating that maybe your body can't handle. You'd be surprised to know the difference diet can make, it changed my entire life. Try an elimination diet, eliminating different foods at different times. Refined sugars, wheat, milk (wheat and milk should be eliminated together if testing, along with soy), eggs, meat... Those are the mains. Play with your diet a bit and see if it makes a difference, maybe 3-7 days off of each one. It's worth a shot.