Feel stupid and gullible


Well-known member
Today at work i had to go to the office to get these foil trays which we use. Anyway i went to the storeroom picked up a big stack of them and started walking through the office back to my work place. A guy who works in the office(i've known him since starting at the company 5 years ago) asked me to count them as he had to know how many i had....Me being so gullible i started counting them, and he said ''Only joking!''...I know that it's probably my social phobia that's to blame but i felt such an idiot. Maybe i am overanalytical of situations but i often feel stupid if i don't get jokes. This has happened on many occasions at work where i feel that everyone's eyes are burning a hole through me and watching every move i make, judging me, analyzing me.

Does anyone else feel stupid and gullible?


Well-known member
Haha! Dude, what do you think social phobia is? I'm pretty sure everybody feels like that when they don't get something or make a mistake. I know I do. I make stupid, retarded mistakes all the time - you get used to shrugging them off after a while. And that's life, 'cause nobody's perfect.

It seems like the difference between social phobics/shy people and your 'average Joe' is the fact that "Average Joe" makes the same mistakes the shy guy might do, but shrugs them off and just accepts shit the way it is. That includes himself, homie.


Well-known member
Agh I have done this so many times it drives me crazy, I think what it is, is that we remember these incidents more keenly and blow it out of proportion that hurts so much typical SP stuff... as for the actually 'clumsy/gullible' thing... personally I think its depression and thinking inwardly makes it hard to focus.


Well-known member
I think it's kinda like when someone asks you a question under pressure, say in a job interview, and you say a stupid answer just because you're nervous...and afterwards you think why did i say that, if i was relaxed i would never have come up with that answer.

Just like if you were relaxed you might have realised they were joking, but because you're scared and someone's talking at you you just do what they say straight away without thinking


Well-known member
Oh yeah! I've been there heaps. They just put it down to the "dumb blonde"! (no offence to the other blondes out there :)