Fat and Dull

Hi everyone. Or at least anyone who is still there after noticing as you probably will that I am not the most interesting of people. It's ok, it's no news to me. I have been dull from birth. or maybe not exactly quite right at the second of birth because I was at least causing a rather substantial amount of pain to the birth-giver, my mother, relative to her daily pain stimuli expectationss in her day-to-day life, such as it was at that precise moment in time, if such a thing can ever be said to truly exist in the fabric of the space-time continuum we call reality for want of a better word, given the seriously erroneous appelations accorded to this much-misunderstood state of being, but at least soon after birth, at least after I started to sleep through the night and in so doing remove the element of anoyance from the lives of my long-suffering parents, god forgive them, and indeed all wrong-doers everywhere, for they know not what they do. Forgiveness is everything because it opens up possibilities to retread the same ground with new footwear and a different kind of lunch in one's haversack, be it made of canvas, jute, or one of the myriad of modern materials available to the modern rambler, and with a modicum of good faith, though the same ground be familiar to all who pass that way on a regular basis, still yet the angle of the sun may differ to greater or lesser degrees in keeping with the particular time of year that the ground is being traversed. I try to write what is on my mind but even in this safe haven of fellow sufferers, and I must say how truly grateful I am to have stumbled upon this compassionate forum, still I find my thoughts fail to follow the path I have charted for them. They do not say what I want them to say, and I fear this may be why I have since I can remember been known as a somewhat dull person, and indeed I find the allegation difficult to refute. I am dull, and i always have been. this makes me resort to comfort eating, which makes me fat. I am dull and fat, fat and dull, dull and fat, fat and dull. Everyone says so, so they must be right. But what can I do? Please help.


writing is a great way to express your feelings and it is clearly something you are good at and you have a lot of interesting things to say. I think your attitude is the problem, not you. There are reasons for this im sure. Your physical size is no issue on this forum and neither should it be in life. understand that to be part of life, you have to respect yourself and your post does not suggest that you do.
MC RADI, I thank you from the bottom of my heart, or not quite the bottom because i suspect that that is where the cholestrol forms, the bad cholestrol not the good cholestrol, the one that hardens arteries, be their bearers of good stockor bad, but close to the bottom, as close as possible without coming into contact with afore-mentioned substances which may be deemed detrimental to one's health. I appreciate your comment that i have interesting things to say, and thwre hav been occasions when i have known this to be true, when I was 9 years old for instance and noticed the fist chicken-pox postule on my second cousin'd body, that really attracted a quite profound amount of interest, far in excess to the relative ease in the purely coincidental allignment of the skin-eye trajectory, but yet it gives one faith that what can be done once can be repeated should similar conditions prevail. I know that you mean well when you seek to contradict the notion that I am fat and dull, but what one has heard one's whole lifetime cannot be so easily erased in a matter of minutes. I am fat and dull, and I must somehow incorporate this knowledge into my life. but yet, i am human, and there is a girl who wants to love me, who reaches out to me with nothing but pity in her heart, and seeks to make me her own. her name is bettina. but yet i know that bettina must only want to love me as others love wounded lambs, for what can dullness and fatness ever bring to a womanä's life?
and so, even mc radi admits defeat with the dullest and fatest of beings. it is always the way, for people look for a perceived reflection of their own souls, and none wish to view themselves as fat and dull. so it goes.

but remember that those of you who have read tis or are reading in the future at some unspecified date have perhaps looked for offers of help in some shape or form and have even pehaps again been lucky enough to receive some. my heart is with you.


Active member
Gosh, even your posts could stand to lose some excess weight. :twisted:

Seriously though, either accept yourself for who you are, or find the motivation to change. But there's no point in being unhappy with who you are.


New member
Well Peter,
I have to be honest to you
a few extra pounds doesn't make you fat, and definately not dull!
And some girls find hair on the chest sexy, or atleast nice.
If you overcome your shyness, you can "knock out" any girl (like this B who likes you) with some quotes of Nietzsche or Hesse. And there are some things every girl loves, like getting flowers, having long walks with hot chocolate in the thermos, or having talks about everything and nothing in the night, in the dark, under the covers...
You are obviously very intelligent. And as SocialRetahd said RATHER fat then UGLY!!! think about that!!
Just contact her, try to get your mind in that space that you actually have nothing to loose!! Being continuously in that state of mind, is just a viscious cycle. She must find you HOT cause she wants YOU!!


Well-known member
You can always do something about 'fat.' As for being dull, I don't believe in it. I have yet to meet a real life dull person in my whole life. Everyone has a story, everyone has something interesting about them, everyone is unique in some way.


Well-known member
peterbertula said:
I think I'm fat because I look like the side of a house.

Ok perhaps you are the way you say you are, but who cares? Everyone is different. When i see a person i don't care the slightest if they are fat, thin, black, white..It's still a person. I think that the media is evil because it makes people think that it's normal to look like the models, but think how boring the world would be if everyone was perfect!
well, by even usng the words fat, thin, black and white, you are admitting that these states exist, that they are not a part of my imagination, some dreamt-up fantasy descriptionds of people who do not exist. I am in fact both fat and white. They are real and pertinent descriptions of my condition, and i refuse to aceept any argument to the contrary. How can I on the one hand learn to accept myself when well-intentioned people like you are advising me that my perceptions are not grounded in reality?


Well-known member
There's no such thing as ugly in my book. If anything I find attractive people incredibly dull. Look at all the comedians and character actors out there... they're not super models and some would consider them 'ugly', yet they use their difference in appearance in their favour.

It's all in how you value yourself. Beth Ditto is amazing and hasn't allowed her weight or height to hold her back.

Or look at Noel Fielding for example - he was voted sexiest man at the NME award. This is a guy who endured years of bullying in school because of his appearance.

People like that are an inspiration to those who look different.


peterbertula said:
well, by even usng the words fat, thin, black and white, you are admitting that these states exist, that they are not a part of my imagination, some dreamt-up fantasy descriptionds of people who do not exist. I am in fact both fat and white. They are real and pertinent descriptions of my condition, and i refuse to aceept any argument to the contrary. How can I on the one hand learn to accept myself when well-intentioned people like you are advising me that my perceptions are not grounded in reality?

You are totally right. Let's be pragmatic, there are fat people, ugly, beautiful, tall, short, stupid, whatever... and everyday (even though some people don't recognize it) we all make assumptions based on that same traits. First things first. You are fat. Do you feel uncomfortable being fat? Then, why not trying losing some weight?
You are dull. I don't know how to make the dull interesting. The way i see it, you have two options: you try to cope with (if YOU feel bad) or you don't do nothing. Personally i consider myself a pretty dull guy, in fact, i've already been told i'm dull, then again, i don't really care because i'm not constantly craving for the social approval of everyone that crosses my path.