Falling Behind


Well-known member
Today, I slipped up. I skipped class because I would've been late. The anxiety was overwhelming. I got something done that I needed to in that time, and took a nice walk, which was somewhat relaxing, but I'm concerned about my grade. This is the fourth absence I've had in this class. I'm sure it won't be the end of the world as long as I don't miss any more, but my absences tend to snowball--I miss once, then I have a lot of trouble going back. Fortunately, the semester will be over in about 5 weeks.


Well-known member
I've been really good about not missing. I was even 15 minutes late one day and still went in. It wasn't too bad. I'm not sure why it was so terrible today.


Well-known member
Ugh...I am very overwhelmed at the moment. There is one class I feel like I'm extremely behind in, and another that's not much better. That's half of my classes. I'm currently locked in the bathroom so that my son will hopefully leave me alone and go to bed. I need to buy a new car or have mine fixed from a recent accident but I don't have time to deal with it. I probably bit off more than I can chew, but I feel if I drop anything, I'm a failure--and I fear that it will snowball and I'll end up quitting more than one thing. It's times like these I hate how I am (other times, I kinda like myself:thumbup:)
Rationally, I know that I need to do my homework (it's not realistic that I'll get it all done tonight if I expect any sleep). I'm so upset that it's hard to focus.
I hate this feeling! I know in the next couple of days I will feel different, since I won't have the pressure of deadlines looming over me (whether or not I get anything done, it will be too late).


Well-known member
Today is a bad day...I need to finish 3 essays that I should have been working on for the past month. I also need to do a final essay by next Wednesday. If I don't do all this, I will fail a class. I'm not even sure that I'll pass the class if I get it all done. I haven't been to class in about 3 weeks. I can't decide if it is worth it to spend a lot of time on it (I need to leave for work in 2 1/2 hours) or if I should just give up and focus on my other class...


Well-known member
Mmm, it's hard when you're in limbo and you watch everyone around you moving forward in their life. I'm the last of my friends to be married/sprogged up. I'm not even close as I'm still single :p And so many have their chosen career paths, when I have no clue what I want to do with myself....


Well-known member
So...tomorrow my landlords (my ex-husband's grandparents) are coming to my house to do a walk-through to check for things that need to be done. I have not finished cleaning (honestly, I don't know that I will ever be satisfied with the level of cleanliness in the house, but it's pretty messy at the moment).
The thing is, there are things that need to be fixed/maintained that I have intended to deal with, but haven't yet...so I feel bad. They like me, and I don't want that to change. I plan on taking care of stuff, but don't know how/haven't had the time or money, etc...
I feel like I have a massive to-do list (both related and unrelated to the house), and wonder if I will ever get some stuff done...also, how I'll feel if I do ever "catch up." I know other people who seem able to relax, and I'd like to be able to myself, but am always distracted by what I think I should be doing...