Fall Of The Republic - The Presidency Of Barack H Obama


Well-known member
Cheers mate, from a fellow Scot. I've seen all of Alex Jones' films to date and shall be watching this sometime over the weekend. ;)
Yeah, the world needs more extremists who think in absolute terms and are too simple-minded to understand the subtleties of things between pure good and pure evil. The world needs more hypocrites who spend their time howling that everybody else is guilty of what the howler theirself exemplifies better than anyone. And most importantly, we must not stop until every shred of rationality has been removed from politics and it's a purely religious holy war in which we can vilify the enemy without any self-reflection to distract us.

The Bush-is-a-dictator people were stupid enough, but Obama is such a weak president that it'd be hilarious if it weren't such a scary reminder of how so many people think.
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forget about the 60'S MAN....THEIRS a lot of shit goin' down right now man-THE 60's got nothing on us man...

listen to alex jones for a couple months straight-you WILL go mad-

I do like his films though-

they help open up minds of many