failed suicide attempt


Well-known member
I know I just posted a thread but I'm panicking now I just almost killed myself I was a minute away I was getting faint and light headed everything was slowing down it was hard to breath my heart was panicking. I took the bag off of my head I tied it and layed for 4 mins but after 4 mins thats when I felt that way I got scared and pulled it off. What is wrong with me why are these voices making me do this I'm scared of myself now....


Well-known member
I had the same experience a few years ago when I felt worthless and that my life would amount to nothing and I had very suicidal thoughts and it gave me very bad panic attacks and the only thing that helped and stopped me from going through with it was telling my mom how I was feeling and what I wanted to do. Based on my experience I really think you should tell someone whether it be a friend, family member or doctor because I think it would really help you and maybe if you see a doctor they can give you some medicine that will help with the voices.