Face Saver Gel??



Has anyone tried Neat face saver gel? I know there is a thread from 2009 but I was just wondering if anyone has tried it recently. If so, is it effective?

I suffer from facial hh. Like everyone on this forum I have tried to find many a solution.

I'm sick of dripping in sweat in only 8 degrees weather.

Thanks in advance.


I have tried it before along with odaban. Didn't do me much good and started to give a funny texture when it mixed with my sweat on my forehead. However it was during the summer and it was like 30+C.

Ive just started propantheline, tried it yesterday and went for a meal and sat next to a radiator that was on full blast, and it seemed to work pretty well. Not sure if it was just psychological though, either way im very happy!


Well-known member
Have you tried witch hazel on your face? I have not tried it on my face, but I used it on my back and it worked pretty well. Also, I heard that it is supposed to work best on your face. I got a bottle at CVS for around 5 dollars.


Thanks for the response guys. I've tried witch hazel before, looking at a bottle of it right now, unfortunately it didn't do much for me. Might have to look into this propantheline.