Extreme HH


New member
Hey all,

I'm currently 26 and have been dealing with hyper-hydrosis for the last 12 years. As soon as I start the day with a shower and put on my shirt, I start to sweat through within minutes. It doesn't matter how many layers I wear, I will still sweat through clothes with huge, wet circles. Even wearing a polo over a shirt, or a hoodie/jacket, I will still manage to make a sweat mark on the outside of it within an hour.

I find it weird how I seem to not sweat when I'm at a comfortable temperature, but when I'm out in cold temperatures it seems like it turns the faucet on. I get even more uncomfortable just because of how cold it already is this winter and the sweat making it even more cold.

I've tried using all sorts of antiperspirants with zero luck, along with deodorants that are made for excessive sweat. The only thing that seems to have worked is Drysol, but when I'm not sweating under my arms, it comes double at my palms and feet. While I'm not interesting in trying botox (suggested by my derm) under my arms, I was wondering what you all would suggest. Day to day it's a struggle with social anxiety, and the HH just makes it that much more difficult to be comfortable in my own skin. My hands are just so clammy while typing this, and I wish there was a solution.

Thanks for reading this and I appreciate any information you can give me!



Well-known member
We have lots of information here. Ionto (iontpheresis) treatments can help your hands and feet, also having secondary effect on the under arms. Read, read, read the back posts. Then ask questions.


Well-known member
You're not alone brother of the sweat gland

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