expressing self


i cant laugh in front of others when i think something is funny
not even in front of my family
all i can do is smile, and when i want to crack up.. instead i just smile so wide it looks ridiculous.

i can only laugh when im by myself alone in my room.. i want to show people that i can
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I know how you feel there, angryguy. But I think my situation might be the opposite. You see, I usually fake my laughs along with my family or strangers so they won't think I'm odd or anything like that.

And when I do think something is funny its usually something considerably inappropriate(for example, a death scene in the Final Destination series). If I truly laugh at something, I'd say that 7 out of 10 of my laughs that most people don't understand. I'll get a look of disgust from family members or disapproval as if I'm a criminal who slaughtered a child or something.

So yeah, I try not to laugh in front of most people like you do. Its a shame really....