Experiences when confronting anxiety


Well-known member
A psychotherapist I saw asked me what would happen if I faced my anxiety/agoraphobia. He was trying to break it down and help me analyze what happens, but he was coming from the assumption that I would have an anxiety attack in public. But, I don't have an anxiety attack when I'm able to get myself to confront my anxiety in public (I do have anxiety attacks prior), I just sink deep within myself and barely function for a few days after.

I was wondering if this happens to anyone else? Not actually having an anxiety attack, but (what I best describe as) sinking within in yourself(depersonalization, maybe? I dunno).
Also, has anyone tried to face their anxieties, and if you did, what happened to you? Was it helpful?

Sorry if I didn't explain myself properly.


Well-known member
I think you explained it ohk.
I don't have anxiety attacks anymore but when I did they only made things worse. I still don't quite understand people and the reactions they've had towards me....
but I find I 'sink into myself' as well. The ability to function gets better with prolonged exposure however stopping exposure and isolating yourself doesn't mean you'll be where you left off when you attempt it again. From my experience everything goes back to ground zero. Or perhaps I am wrong and this is just a gradual ascent in the bigger picture. I haven't had enough experience to say so on that scale..
However I always feel better when facing my anxiety no matter how much dread I drudged through to get there.


yes the only way out of where you are is by exposure I am not where I want to be but im at a managable place at the moment what pushed me to get here is the fact that I was doing normal things with ease before I got panic attacks and i didnt know what s.a was so yeah that pretty much drove me to get better and now ive found my core problem so working on it GET OUT THERE but at your stage I would recommend an anti depressant to assist you good luck