Expanding socially but afraid of family judgemet / mockery !


So here's my problem. I've suffered with social phobia for about 7 or so years now. I've just turned 21, and I am desperate to change my life because I've missed out on so much from my early/mid teens through to now. I feel as though I'm prepared to challenge myself socially and attempt to overcome the problem no matter how afraid and paniced I get in the social situations a long the way, it should be worth it right?

Anyway, I have one hurdle I need to conquer before I can do that: my family. I feel as though if I start trying to expand socially, e.g. actually attending the parties I'm very rarely invited to, that my family, especially my parents will judge me or even joke at my expense. Home is really the only place I'm comfortable being myself 99% of the time, and I'm afraid of losing that safe zone. Don't get me wrong, my family are great people, but they do joke from time to time about how unsociable I have become. I've always been a little afraid of what my parents think of me, which is largely due to certain events involving heavy drug use and my brother, so I'm also very much afraid of being judged by the way I live my life socially.

I'm starting to feel as though I'm a prisoner, and despite desperately wanting to be free from jail so I can change, I can't even begin trying because I can't break through the bars. Any thoughts? Anyone in or have been in a similar situation?

I think moving away from home would really help me, but at the moment I'm just finishing University and need to start looking for work, so it's not a viable option just at the moment. I'd rather not wait though.


Well-known member
I don't have any anwsers for you but I just wanted to say that I feel the same way. It's weird though. I am so independent from my parents that its not even funny. It's sad. I can't even communicate with them. But anyway, I'm in a similar situation because It's like I can't take that final step into personal relatioanships because of my relationship with my parents. For example, I had a girlfriend for about 2 weeks. It shorted on me because I didnt want to let my parents know about it. It's like I don't want them in my personal life to an extreme. When I had the girlfriend, I never called her when I was at my house, never arranged anything with outside of school, and never really gave her attention. It's like I was ashamed of having her even though she was the hottest chick in the whole school. It just feels weird informing your parents of you personal life, ya know? I wish I could get over it.