Existential Related OCD


New member
My mind has fluctuated on what to obsess about over the years to the point my OCD is very broad. I used to do the touching of things multiple times to reduce stressful thoughts but now I find things I really enjoy being diminished by whatever abstract paradigm I create.

Now I'm worried about demons, evil spirits, etc. causing something bad to happen. For instance, I play RPG's and fighting games and both have elements of good and evil. In RPG's I avoid parts of the games where you deal with or use evil to win and a recent fighting game 2 of the characters I use are supposed to be extra dimensional demons. It sounds silly but I worry about having to pray after I play to keep sheathing bad from happening or something bad still might happen regardless. I worry about having to fix it. The funny is I'm not even religious. I compete in these games and occasionally win money so doing well if very important plus the characters I use are fun and gaming is one of the few things I still enjoy. It's painful to know I'm selling myself short.