Excuses you use to get out of work


Active member
I'm curious as to what you working folks do to miss a day or two of work. I've used many excuses, some legit, some not, or I've used previously legit reasons when it was no longer true:

1) Back pain
2) Migraines
3) Broken garage door
4) Flat tire
5) Grandmother died
6) Bronchitis

On average I miss 2 months worth of work a year and somehow have gotten away with it.


Active member
Mostly I use Migraine or Stomach Flu as an excuse. Most of the sick days I've used haven't been really legit.... I'm so low on sick hours right now... which means I probably take off a month or so a year.


Man i told my boss i was goin to look at dorms/houses to rent for uni. Well i actually took a roadtrip to NC for a car rally thing. It was all going good until my little bro told a guy i worked with i was in NC. Lets just say that monday wasn't fun. i did keep my job though.
Normal excuses are illness related.


Well-known member
gauranteed to work a treat everytime

1) An owel flew through your window pinned its claws to head
2) Tongue stuck to freezer door interior
3) Choked on a pretzel
4) Loss of hearing due to tug of war ramblings at family gathering
5) My car door is coin operated, only had notes
6) The Midday movie is the Godfather II
7) Feel like a snooze in
8 Jobs are for losers today, and i'm no loser


Well-known member
Has anyone ever been honest enough to ring in and say "just felt like staying home today"? ...people don't because you'd probably get fired but is it such a crime to decide on the whim you want the day off? i don't think so, as a manager i'd find that sort of honesty refreshing ..

if you are fired over that then it shows the establishment doesn't value your existance there anyway and they just want a reliable slave who does what they are told ....

though i guess you wouldnt receive any sick pay in which case i retract the following statement .........



Active member
Richey said:
gauranteed to work a treat everytime

1) An owel flew through your window pinned its claws to head
2) Tongue stuck to freezer door interior
3) Choked on a pretzel
4) Loss of hearing due to tug of war ramblings at family gathering
5) My car door is coin operated, only had notes
6) The Midday movie is the Godfather II
7) Feel like a snooze in
8 Jobs are for losers today, and i'm no loser

Ha HA! wtf? I like #1 the best, wonder if anyone would actually believe it. #8 is a close 2nd.


Well-known member
Most of the time I HATE calling off of work. I am a terrible liar. And often too shy to do so -- but even if it's a legit illness. I was sick as hell the day after Christmas (which is an awful time to take off in the retail world) and I felt bad for doing it. And they make you feel like a prick about doing it, too, sometimes.

Since being at this job (a little over a year) I only called off twice. I am in a department that is rather difficult to cover in short notice.

I usally say I have a stomach flu or really bad headache. I was tempted to call once (a few yrs back at another job) and say I was suffering from depression - and it was REALLY true. But in this society, it would seem like nothing serious or just a flimsy excuse to get off of work. Why is it a shameful thing to take off for a mental illness than a stupid (and usually fake) physical illness? Blah.