Excuse me while I ramble


Well-known member
Hey all! Social phobic trying to "act normal" as a way to get a little better, and now my mother has a HOTT guest in the same room right now and I am forcing myself to stay even though im really nervous, so im typing this just as a way to distract myself from the nervousness...i hope you dont mind. He's selling insurance...lol a hott guy in my living room talking about cancer..hmm...lmfao


Well-known member
Hi - First what does 'imfao' stand for?
And no - don't mind at all - ramble on and on and on.................
Acting normal exhaustes me.
Good stuff in getting yourself to stay - i'd be out of their like a shot.


Well-known member
redlady - it's Lmfao, it means laughing my f***ing ass off :)

kind of a more extreme version of lol :D


Well-known member
I never feel nervy round fit/hot men! I just wink at them and then ur in control hehehe


Well-known member
LOL I never had any luck with men..my best relationship was a guy who would come over every summer to make out with me, then pretend it never happened. :/


Well-known member
LOL he moved on from Cancer, and then started talking about broken hearts..i think he was hitting on my mother *gag* it worked, she's buying from him...of course, she is buying for herself and not for me...she keeps saying "I am going to get it just for me cuz I am the major breadwinner" grrr...she buys for herself and dont ever use it, me who needs it, never gets it


Well-known member
LOL! He finally left, and mom said "you only stayed cuz he's cute..too bad he's married" and has not stopped talking about him since he left :/


Well-known member
lol see there ya have it! i feel like an old maid at 22 LOL ;) Spinster daughter who lives with her mother LOL I tried living with a girlfriend once, but she annoyed me beyond belief. ;)