Everyone has a story...


Well-known member
I want to know yours, how long has your mental disorder what ever it is, SA, depression, ect...affected you? How do you think it started? And what are you doing now to help it? What do you feel when having anxiety?
I want to know because it's a foreign concept to me that other people are just as "wierd" as me.


Well-known member
with social anxiety I think it got at it's worse when through late primary school and high school I was bullied for being weird (I have a weird sense of humor and act hyper, haha) had friends but they thought I was annoying at didn't accept me so I was left by myself, conscious to make friends. I never knew how to make friends. I was too anxious to take part in any social activity and was a mute. I hated it and wish to say something and make friends but couldn't! I felt like a total outsider and didn't belong anywhere. I was labeled a freak D: what school mates called me.
So now, once I found out what it really was about a month ago, I felt loads more better including meeting and talking to some wonderful people here on this site. I just have to get the guts going into therapy now..