Ever been to any disco?


Well-known member
I have never been to any disco bars...But when you say school prom or induction ball...I've been attending that since high school.


Well-known member
Snaefridhur said:
I have never been. Even to school discos.

I am known I do not go to discos.

hi snaefridhur..we don't really have discos around here, but i don't go to bars..same thing really, just different music :wink: ..too many people, too much noise i guess :roll:


Well-known member
Yes, many times, they can be fun.

Alcohol makes you forget you have this SA ..seriously you can just forget everything, i cant say i was exactly the life of the party or anything, but i just boogied to the songs i enjoyed hearing, which were a couple, but i cant say i had a great time, they seem to be the environment for those who are suprememly confident social butterflies and like to flaunt themselves by dancing .....

i can go to a pub or disco and just chill on a chair for hours anonymously without all of that :)


i've never been to a pub or disco..i prefer cafes..is it strange? i really mean it..i don't know what people do and share in discos..i live in the world not in mars so don't be surprised.. :) i simply ask you what you exactly do in pubs or discos..are those the ideal places for the ones who want to spend a wonderful time?