ETS surgery next week


Hello all,

I've been suffering from craniofacial hyperhidrosis for the last 6 years and it has destroyed my life.

The last week, I went to see an ETS surgeon in Madrid and I decided to do it. Am I doing the right thing? Have you any suggestions? I'm very scared.

Thank you very much!


Well-known member
i strongly urge u not to do it. it will have worse side effects than u already have from what i read. check out this site before u go for it:


Well-known member
Good luck I hope it works for you! have you done much research into ETS surgery? I would read about it before you do it first. How experienced is the doctor who is perfoming the surgery and what is his/her success rate with patients? I would love to have the surgery myself but im scared hearing the horror stories of compensatory sweating. Let us know how it all goes! :)


Hi again. I think I've read all kind of websites and forums about ETS and side effects and I know all risks. My doctor tell me about side effects of this surgery, but my head sweating is killing me. I have no life, I stay all day at home, no social life, no job...

Maybe I have Severe Compensatory Sweating, I know, but I'm sure that my life can't be worse than now.

PD: Sorry for my English.


I had a sympathectomy about 6-7 years ago and in the most I don't regret having it done. My compensatory sweating isn't as bad as my initial problems was but it does seem to be getting worse over time.

Think very careful about this op as it isn't a very pleasant procedure. The CS does take some getting used to, the clammy legs are a particular hate of mine. I also react quite badly to certain foods like cheese, bacon, fries and anything with vinegar in it.

Think it through, don't just jump in. I'd be tempted to look at botox first. If it had been available around the time I was having surgery I'd have looked at it before the ETS.

Good luck.



Active member
Hi OP,
I was in the same boat a few years ago when I almost *gasp* decided to go through with the ETS surgery. Then I met this friend who told me that his friend has done it and the compensatory sweating is even worse. I backed out at the last minute. I went on to try different things including ionto, antiperspirant, and finally botox. My point is, there are defintely options out there and I suggest you to try all of them before you go through with it.

It's a life long decision, so why not take a few month to try different products or a combination of them before doing it. I know that ionto won't work for facial sweating. However, have you tried the following:
1)Antiperspirant, esp. Hydrosal gel, Megadry, and Drysol or a combination.
2)Botox- it worked really well for me
3)Oral Medication- definitely worth looking into before doing the surgery
4)Depending on where you live, I think some doctors are also trying laser surgery to destroy the sweat glands

Also, I found this website to be somewhat helpful: SweatManagement - Home

Anyways, it is a really big decsion, I hope you think through it rationally and consider all your options before going through with it. GOOD LUCK and ALL THE BEST.


Thank you all for your replys, guys.
Ex-HH, I've just tried all the products of the world (including odaban, ditropan, secure wipes, anxiolitics...) except botox. None works. Surgery is my last resort and I've decided to do it. CS cant' be worse than my facial sweaty problem, I'm sure.


Well-known member
I think you should try botox before. ETS is too risky and should be your last option.

But whatever you do, good luck man.


Thank you guys, but I'll go for it! All surgeries have their risks, but most people who have done ETS are very very happy with the results. Their life have changed for better in most cases. I've also heard and read terrible stories about rynoplasts, apendix surgeries... I know all the risks and I assume it. I'll tell you next week how it comes.




Yes, and I've also realized that there are the same 10 people everyday writting against ETS since that forum was created. I'm from Spain and here ETS must be safer if it's covered by Public Health System...

I repeat, I know all risks and side effects of this surgery but I really believe my life can't be worse than now. There has been thousands of ETS done here and I only read 20 or 30 testimonials against it, but if you read about eye's surgery or rynoplast you'll see the same: 99% of people happy VS 1% unhappy...


Active member
Yes, and I've also realized that there are the same 10 people everyday writting against ETS since that forum was created. I'm from Spain and here ETS must be safer if it's covered by Public Health System...

I repeat, I know all risks and side effects of this surgery but I really believe my life can't be worse than now. There has been thousands of ETS done here and I only read 20 or 30 testimonials against it, but if you read about eye's surgery or rynoplast you'll see the same: 99% of people happy VS 1% unhappy...

Sounds like you've really set your mind on it. Hope you get great results.


Well-known member
Not to deter you completely from your surgery but I think you need to do more research.
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Well-known member
no i would advise against it
if you have axillary HH then get retrodermal curretage or a similar surgery


Well, as you know I had ETS for facial hyperhidrosis last week and I can say I'm now happy!! My head and hands don't sweat anymore and I think I have a little CS in my feet, but I'm not sure if it's CS because before ETS my all body used to sweat a lot. I know it's early to say anything, but now I feel much better than before the surgery. I'd explain it with more details, but as you can see my english is very limited.