ESA Joint claim


New member
I was initially on jsa when me and my partner got together (I was made redundent), as he was on esa, we was told we couldn't have both benefits in one household, as my partner is too ill to work (and that has now been proven), if I had put him on my claim, he would have had to find work, etc, so after a long chat, decided I should be put on his benefit, so he claims for me, if this makes sense....

so we were getting £102 a week ESA for 13 weeks (I have been told this is the assessment phase), when they did the medical and failed him, and we put in for the appeal, and tribunal (this was about 8 months ago now), anyway the tribunal was today, and we won it!! :):D , with more than enough points (over 15).... we have yet to be told what group my partner will be put in, but we suspect the work related one (which in all honesty, we both want).....

From where and what I have read, the assessment phase stops after 13 weeks (as a single person on esa) and the benefit goes up, slightly, I think.... It didn't, but I think this was due to the appeal and tribunal etc.... But now that we have won.... what happens to the benefits? do we get more? the same? less? I have tried and tried to figure this out with no joy.... We have been told by several people involved with the case that it would go up if we win the tribunal, and backdated, but I have had no proof of this? ::(:

Also when are we told exactly what happened at the tribunal? because we was just arriving, when they called us up on the phone and told us they had only received our evidence, and it was good enough to not even need a hearing, and that we had won.... Do we get a letter explaining what happens now etc? if so, when?

On another note, I have been trying to get myself into some kind of employment, but was recently told by my partners advisor, that I cannot work any hours while my partner is on benefits, he can work up to 15 hours, as long as its under £93 without it affecting his benefits much, but yet I cannot work at all? why does this seem incredibly unfair? I am not sure what to do about it, or even who to speak to? :confused:

thanks for any help in advance, this is all so very confusing, any more info you need please just ask.


Yeah your claim should be backdated from the time you put in for the initial claim :) So after all this time of having to fight to get what you are entitled to,you will now get a nice lump sum backdated for 8 months.

I'm not sure if it will go up or not,It "sounds" like you may now get an entirely new benefit.But your best bet would be either to look on the government web site or ring them to find out,or even better ring citizens advice.They will be able to break it all down to you and are really helpful.Also they may be able to tell you other things you are entitled to.

But yeah it's really complicated,even more so when you are a couple and one of you is trying to get back to work,they almost punish you for working.Add to that our new government is looking to get people off benefits and change everything about again.


New member
That would be very nice! I have my fingers crossed :) even a small amount more, would be very helpful, and very welcome! :p

I have looked on the government website, and several others, some say couples get £102, what we have been already receiving, and the government states nothing about couples on esa :confused:

I think we will make an app. on monday to speak to someone.
Thanks for the reply!! :)