ERR! Is it normal to get headaches from certain noises?


Well-known member
I'm not talking about just loud noises or super obnoxious ones like children throwing tantrums or a dog barking all night, but like...

I'm eating food and I have this styrofoam box (that I'm eating the food out of ) and I was writing on it with my fork, like scratching it to leave a mark and GUHHH!! When this very particular noise comes up my head hurts. Like I get a piercing headache in a certain spot in my head and like, just thinking about it makes me wanna rip my eyes out. It's a horrible sound but it doesn't seem to bother most people.

I don't know how to describe the sound, it's just like "uurghh". :p
Like the squeeking of styrofoam. It's a very particular sound.

Anyway, I get headaches from this sound. I'm just sensitive or something. I know there are other sounds I don't like. Like who likes utensils being scratched against plates? It doesn't affect me as much, like it doesn't give me a headache, but it's just a sound I don't like and would prefer not to hear. I despise metal utensils/silverware. I much prefer plastic. Silverware gives me goosebumps...I'm OCD about it. That's why when I put the dishes away I dread putting the forks and spoons away because it literally gives me goosebumps, haha. And when people scratch their nail on a chalkboard...well, that's not appealing either but I can't say I get piercing headaches from it. I would just cover my ears and look away.

For the styrofoam thing it's like it's debilitating (ok, i'm being dramatic here) ...

it's like even when i block the sound out, my head is just about to explode, lol. anyone else have this problem?

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Well-known member
i always used to get a headache about 2 hours after my ex-wife started answering the question "how was your day?"