erm what should i do


New member
I'm stuggling with depression and SA/Agrophobia. I have to live at home with my mother. Shes always using this bribe agaisnt me so I have to do anything she says "if you dont like, or dont do, you know where the door is". So Im sitting at home all day depressed, and I get her coming home from work having a go at me for nothing. I have enough to deal with already without her making me feel more worthless. Shes always on about how much of a loser, waste of space, sponger I am and wants me out. I feel like she is keeping me depressed andgiving me no support. I'm sure she likes me to be dependant and dont want me to have a life. Soon Im going to see a psychiatrst. Shall I just wait it out and put up with all the **** she gives me until i can move?


Well-known member
Hi shy,do you do anything to help her i.e house work etc?because I could understand her point if you did absolutley nothing around the house,do you cook her dinner etc for when she comes home from work?


New member
corrinaelizabeth said:
Hi shy,do you do anything to help her i.e house work etc?because I could understand her point if you did absolutley nothing around the house,do you cook her dinner etc for when she comes home from work?

No because she eats at work or out. She sometimes says she doesn't wanna feed me and buys no food for me because I give her no cash.


New member
I had to take the courage to claim but its not done yet. I will give her it all, but she'll still be the same towards me I guess. I've just told her I've posted this message about her and she replys "you dont need their advice you can get out" :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
Im sorry your mum is being like that with you,but it can be hard for other peolpe to understand about sp and agoraphobia,this website is a great support and I really think you shouldnt listen to her about saying that you dont need our advice.
Have you shown her any articles etc about sp and agoraphobia?to help her to understand about it?
I dont think you should give her all the money,a quarter is usually how its done i.e I get 40 quid a week and I give my parents 10 quid a week.
Also try and do as much around the house as you can so she has less reason to go on at you.
Dont worry about not being able to work because one day you will be able to,concentrate on yourself,maybe doing self help as well as seeing the psychiatrst.
Are you on any meds?


Well-known member
ShyDood said:
I'm stuggling with depression and SA/Agrophobia. I have to live at home with my mother. Shes always using this bribe agaisnt me so I have to do anything she says "if you dont like, or dont do, you know where the door is". So Im sitting at home all day depressed, and I get her coming home from work having a go at me for nothing. I have enough to deal with already without her making me feel more worthless. Shes always on about how much of a loser, waste of space, sponger I am and wants me out. I feel like she is keeping me depressed andgiving me no support. I'm sure she likes me to be dependant and dont want me to have a life. Soon Im going to see a psychiatrst. Shall I just wait it out and put up with all the **** she gives me until i can move?
...hiya ShyDood..sounds like your Mom is being kind of insensitive, in that, it's easier said than done for us to just get up and make a change :!: ...sounds like she doesn't understand at all :evil: you think she will change her opinion about it if you get a diagnosis from the psychiatrist?..maybe that will help...and also...maybe, if you're not the house, tidying up while she's at work...might mean a lot to her..and maybe she'll find it hard to get mad at you when you've cleaned the house all day :twisted:


Well-known member
sometimes its very hard to motivate yourself when depressed
A lot of people dont realise the intensity of s.a they dont realise what we are going through....mental illnesses are not nowhere near as looked at as terminal illnesses but i sometimes wish people could have our minds for a week or so....think they would be in for a big shock.