Erasing evidence of being on this board


Well-known member
Just wondering..
You know when you type a letter into the address bar and a little menu comes down with all the sites you've been on that start with that letter? Well, is there any way to delete a certain website that shows up? I clear this website from my history, but I'm paranoid that someone will type in an "s" or an "so" and see this website..


If you want to erase all of your internet history, including the information stored on your searchbar, then the best way that i know of doing this is using cc cleaner. just type in cc cleaner in on google, go to the first web site shown, and then download the program for free. when you are choosing what kind of history you want to erase using cc cleaner you will have to click on the box next to where it says "autocomplete form history" and this will get rid of any words that would pop up in a search bar. hopefully this helps.


Well-known member
If you use AOL, like I do *ducks* there should be a button at the bottom of the window called "Window". Click on that button and you should see an option "Clear my Footprints". Select that option. I don't know if that clears out your entire history wherever it is located on the hard drive, but it will erase the "recent searches" from your address bar.


Well-known member
In my computer, this is what I do. It might be a little off depending on what you have. I have firefox.

Top left, click on "Tools" click "options" click "settings" and adjust your settings to what you want firefox to delete, and modify it so that whenever you close firefox, it'll automatically erase all you chose.


Well-known member
kuhtreen said:
Just wondering..
You know when you type a letter into the address bar and a little menu comes down with all the sites you've been on that start with that letter? Well, is there any way to delete a certain website that shows up? I clear this website from my history, but I'm paranoid that someone will type in an "s" or an "so" and see this website..

hahaha so true! i'm so paranoid someone will see too. and it doesn't help when there's porn sites with every letter of the alphabet.