Epic Beard Guy ftw!!!!


Staff member
The bully got what he deserved.

I think beard guy was an ex boxer looking at some of them punches lol


Well-known member
The bully got what he deserved.

I think beard guy was an ex boxer looking at some of them punches lol

How on earth was the black guy a "bully"? The beard guy asked the black guy to shine his shoes. WTF?? That's like walking up to a Mexican woman and asking her to clean your house.

In the beginning, the black guy was just sticking up for himself. He probably thought the beard guy was trying to be racistly cute (which I don't think was the case), so the black guy told the beard guy off; nothing wrong with that. His mistake was that he followed beard guy to the front when he was trying to leave black guy alone.

Black guy threw a wimpy punch(?) at beardman's chest or shoulder and almost hit him. I'm not saying blackguy had the right to do this, but beardman was totally egging him on. I guess it's OK that beardguy totally kicked the crap out of blackguy since he swung first; the black guy definitely did not deserve it, but beard guy had the right to do it.

After seeing some other videos of the beard guy, I'm pretty sure he's not a racist, but I do know that he's definitely crazy and a habitual liar. Still, I don't think he was a "bad" person.

I don't have many bad feelings toward beardman as a person, but it really sickens me that he is being celebrated on the internet as a folk hero. The beard guy totally mutilated the black guy because of one joke of an attempted punch/shove; there is nothing heroic about that.


How on earth was the black guy a "bully"? The beard guy asked the black guy to shine his shoes. WTF?? That's like walking up to a Mexican woman and asking her to clean your house.

In the beginning, the black guy was just sticking up for himself. He probably thought the beard guy was trying to be racistly cute (which I don't think was the case), so the black guy told the beard guy off; nothing wrong with that. His mistake was that he followed beard guy to the front when he was trying to leave black guy alone.

Black guy threw a wimpy punch(?) at beardman's chest or shoulder and almost hit him. I'm not saying blackguy had the right to do this, but beardman was totally egging him on. I guess it's OK that beardguy totally kicked the crap out of blackguy since he swung first; the black guy definitely did not deserve it, but beard guy had the right to do it.

After seeing some other videos of the beard guy, I'm pretty sure he's not a racist, but I do know that he's definitely crazy and a habitual liar. Still, I don't think he was a "bad" person.

I don't have many bad feelings toward beardman as a person, but it really sickens me that he is being celebrated on the internet as a folk hero. The beard guy totally mutilated the black guy because of one joke of an attempted punch/shove; there is nothing heroic about that.

Here's an Interview of the epic beard man.
YouTube - Thomas Bruso aka Epic Beard Man Interviewed


Well-known member

Yeah, I saw that and I don't believe a word he says. Everything he says about the fight (the recorded one) is super-exaggerated. Listen to his account of the fight, and then re-watch the fight video. If he exaggerates the things that happened on camera that much, why should I not believe he lied about the things that happened off camera?