Energy Psychology


Well-known member
Hi all,

I wanted to share some treatments that you might want to try out.

Here's a description of Energy Psychology, if you haven't heard of it before:

Energy Psychology (EP) is the name for a broad range of psychological treatments that utilize the human energy system. Included in this group are treatments such as Thought Field Therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Releasing Technique, Be Set Free Fast, Tapas Acupressure Technique and many other such therapies.

From the point of view of Energy Psychology, painful physical, emotional and spiritual symptoms are the result of a disruption in the energy system. When the disruption is corrected, symptoms will be replaced by healthy functioning. For instance, a phobic response to spiders would be replaced by a calm response to spiders. All aspects of the phobic response would be normalized. Therefore, physical sensations of distress (such as tense muscles, racing heart, lumps in the throat or sensations in the pit of the stomach) are alleviated. Disturbed thought processes (such distorted perceptions and catastrophic expectations) are normalized. Negative emotions (fear, panic, anger, helplessness, confusion, etc.) are replaced by inner peace. Unhelpful behavioural tendencies (flight or fight or freeze responses, for example) are corrected. All of this can be achieved using the natural resources of the body’s energetic system.

These changes often happen within only minutes of treatment, and yet the inner transformation is often profound and enduring. There is a large generalization effect of treatment – meaning that the treatment of one issue often causes resolution in many other issues (a real bonus!).

I've read many success stories about EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques--a self accu-tapping method combined with pos. affirmations)) which is one of those methods that you can learn by yourself (the manual can be downloaded for free @ ) and administer on yourself. Allthough it didn't quite work on myself, I am convinced that it would help many people here(at least I'd hope so). The reason why it doesn't work effectively on me, is I believe, because I'm not 'inside my body'. I would be curious though to hear if others have success with this. It's worth trying anyway, because it doesn't cost a thing. :D


Well-known member
hi icecube. i have encountered eft half a year ago and i´ve become an expert in eft. it has just changed my life. i had avoidant pd and with eft i got so much better. i just can reccomend eft, besides its free. maybe you go to an eft practitioner so you have a good support. most of all helped me to tap on my embarrassment to say and act awkward. i also eliminate my worries about what other might think of me. i just can reccomend eft


Hi all,

I dont want to sound negative or anything but the red text sounds well pseudo-scientific. I think that if you really want to try out some therapy go to some real doctor.


Well-known member
i tought science has to do with what works, and energy psycology has worked for me. i think thats what really counts? i dont think that modern medicine has figured out how body works. give it a try, there is no believing in god or spirituality involved. a lot of psicotherapists are already using eft


romeno82 said:
i tought science has to do with what works, and energy psycology has worked for me. i think thats what really counts? i dont think that modern medicine has figured out how body works. give it a try, there is no believing in god or spirituality involved. a lot of psicotherapists are already using eft

You are right, what works.


Well-known member
I have tried EFT and whilst I can't say I'm over my SA, I do believe EFT and energy medicine has something to offer. It's not a load of hogwash.

I think they key with EFT, especially when you first start, is that you have to be quite specific about what you're tapping for - ie. rather than just tapping for SA in general, you have to visualize a specific SA episode which occurred in your life and tap for it. You may have to tap a few times for that particular episode before your anxiety about it reduces to near zero. You have to really tune in to the episode, re-live the fear so that your body is reacting the way it did at the time of the episode....feel the fear, then tap for it.

Then, tap for other bad episodes in your life until gradually, the wall begins to break down. Your SA has almost certainly built up over the years with numerous bad experiences all gradually building up your fear until you reach the point where it has become a debilitating phobia. You may have to mentally go back and re-live many of these specific experiences to feel the fear you felt when they happened, then tap for them.

You have to be patient and persistent.

One thing I've certainly noticed, after reading an energy medicine book recommended by romeno82, is that holding certain neurovascular points on the head does have a genuine calming effect. I've had some pretty horrible times in recent weeks with sorrow and depression bringing me to the point of despair, but when I remember about holding the neurovascular points and go find a quiet place to do it, it really helps settle me down.

Romeno82, would you mind telling us a bit more about your experiences with EFT and energy medicine - how you started using it, how long before you found it had any effect, how long before you really felt you were getting better, and how your life has improved since then?


Well-known member
Good to hear some positive results already :D

For me the main reason why it hasn't worked(yet) is that I have difficulty reliving the fear/the thing I'm tapping on which has also to do with the fact that I'm too much 'in my head', I think.

I would also be interested in hearing about the neurovascular points on the head. Does it has to do with TAT (Tapas technique) maybe?

I am now doing integrated energy therapy, a form of energy healing. This is a healing that goes through the cells(where memory is locked up) and heals on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

I've had 2 sessions now and felt afterwards the 'junk of negative emotions'(as I call it) going out of my belly. The energy flows better, but will have to see after a few more sessions how it will improve..


Well-known member
Icecube said:
I would also be interested in hearing about the neurovascular points on the head. Does it has to do with TAT (Tapas technique) maybe?

The one I use involves holding the thumbs at the temples at the side of the head, pointing the thumbs backwards from the bone at the side of the eyes with the thumb tips pointing towards the ears, and allowing your other 4 fingers of each hand to gently press on the forehead about one inch above the eyebrows (it's called the "oh my god" position because it like the pose we naturally adopt when we bring our hands to our heads when we are shocked/upset by something, thinking "oh my god").

Personally, I do it sitting on a chair, lean forward so my elbows rest on my knees and my head gently presses into my fingers. Hold the posture for a 5 to 10 minutes.

The book recommends that, whilst in this posture, you should bring into your mind something that has been really upsetting you and really try to experience the full pain of that emotion. Just hold the pose and keep the emotion in full will gradually fade. Do this for the next few days until you no longer can feel that pain.

Then try it on another painful experience/memory....

As you already said about Energy Psychology, the idea is that there is a generalising effect, so that once you start to rid yourself of some of the painful feelings, others jsut fall away by themselves.

But I've noticed that I can be feeling really depressed, even crying, about things that have happened recently, then I remember about adopting the pose. But when I try to bring the full feelings of sadness into focus, just being in the pose has already calmed me significantly.

It's as if, when holding the neurovasulars, my body is stopping me feel the full strength of the emotion. I hold the pose for a few minutes and when I let go, I feel calm and the depressed feeling has passed.

I got it from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden. It's full of other practical examples like this for realigning your energy systems. Some definitely seem to work - I now incoroporate some of her routines into my waking up routine in the morning to get my body energised and definitely has a positive effect. Some of her other examples have less noticable or more subtle impact.


Well-known member
pitkreet said:
It's as if, when holding the neurovasulars, my body is stopping me feel the full strength of the emotion. I hold the pose for a few minutes and when I let go, I feel calm and the depressed feeling has passed.

I got it from the book "Energy Medicine" by Donna Eden. It's full of other practical examples like this for realigning your energy systems.

Thanks for the explanation! I may try it out sometime when I feel the need to. It does sound to be quite similar to the tapas accupressure technique, where you also have to hold a few points while thinking of the bad experience.


Well-known member
hi to all, yes pitkreet the most important thing is being specific. a social phbia is composed of too many aspects to eliminate in one time. but rather to focus on bad past memories i would suggest you to use eft on the symptoms and feelings of SP. for those who are a bit familiar with eft do this:

think of a social situation or better go there. then start talking about what goes through your mind. start defining out aloud your feelings, for example: i feel soo nervous, my voice starts shaking,i just can stand the pressure, the people scares me,i dont know what to say, i feel like they are staring at me,im so embarrassed for myself, im just too ugly...
each of these statements must be put down to 0. use the basic recipe with gamut-spot for it.

here some clarification:
these sentences are feelings you are feeling. when you put them in words they go slow trough your awarness. this way you can recognize them. your social phobia is in reality composed by many small aspects like the sentences above.

by beeing specific i mean put your feelings in YOUR OWN words.

another thing is to tap for shame and embarassment in communication

yeah my SP really went down to nearby 0


Well-known member
EFT Protocol



Tapping Points Locations

Sore spot :On your chest where you would pin a medal or a brooch - SS

1 Inside edge of the eyebrow - EB
2 On bone outside the eye - SE
3 On bone under the eye - UE
4 Under the nose - UN
5 Between mouth and chin - UL
6 About one inch down and out from top of sternum - CB
7 Tender spot about 4 inches below armpit (bra line) - UA
8 Gamut-point: Treats phobia - see photo



SUD = Subjective Units of Disturbance or Distress (0 - 10 scale)
Alternative Setup statement: "Even though I have this problem, I really want to accept myself."

Gamut-pont = Main point for treating phobias


Step 1 - Name the problem, clearly, directly and truthfully.

Step 2 - Take a SUD reading of how bad it is right now 0 - 10
(0 = none, 10 = unbearable)

Step 3 Setup - "Even though [I have this problem], I deeply and
completely accept myself"
speak three times out loud, while
rubbing the Sore Spot (SS-point on photo).
For example:
"Even though I have this pain in my arm, I deeply and
completely accept myself"

Step 4 - Using one or two fingers, rapidly tap each of the points 7-
10 times, starting from point 1 (eyebrow) and ending with point 8
(gamut), then back to point 6 (collar bone); while tapping each
point, speak out loud, once at each point, a keyword or phrase that
assists you in keeping focus on the problem:
Keyword Example: "pain"

Step 5 - Check SUD level. If significant progress has been made,
yet some remains, go on to step 6. If no progress has been made
(SUD remains high), return to step 1 and explore what other
problem may be under this one. (example: "I did something stupid and hurt my arm."
setup: "Even though I did something stupid and hurt my arm I deeply and completely accept myself." Keyword: "Hurt" or "Stupid").

Step 6 - While rubbing the sore spot, change the Setup to:
"Even though there is still some of this problem [pain] remaining, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Return to step 4 using keyword: "remaining" - meaning "remaining [problem or pain]".

Step 7 - If, after using the new Setup in step 6, the SUD level is not yet down to 0-1, rub the sore spot using this new setup:

"I really want to get completely over this problem [pain], and I deeply and completely accept myself."

Return to step 4 using keywords: "completely over" - meaning "completely over this [problem or pain]"

Adapted from Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques®


Well-known member
how to form sentences for eft:

think of your social/public phobia:

make a list of your gratest fears/worries:


top 20 fears hitlist :D :

performance anxiety
fear of public humiliation
fear of public places
fear of authorities
fear of beeing judged negatively
fear of rejection
fear of beeing avoided
fear of beeing exposed
fear of acting and saying something stupid due to embarrassment
lack of control
low self-confidence
fear of interaction
fear of to not fit in
fear of beeing observed
rigid and extreme selfcontrollance

and begin to apply the eft-protocol to them and name them with your own words:

even though i am terrified beeing in public places, i...
reminder word: public places

even though i feel observed and judged when i am in public places, i...
reminder word: observed/judged

then next...

NOTE: when you feel fear/terror/phobic reaction, take care to use the gamut spot

for more detailed informations:


Well-known member
an other very effective method to use the eft protocol is to look at photos or videos which triggers negative emotions. for example you could use a photo of a crowd of people wich triggers your public fear and do the eft-protocol on it. everithing that triggers your fear, is it a photo or whatever that gives you discomfort is usable to apply the eft protocol


Well-known member
hi, for the good last some affirmations to break down the worries of what others might think of you:

hope they are helpful:

first affirmation and most important one, do eft till intensity is 0:

even though i fear i will never overcome my worries about what others might think of me, i...

then proceed:

in this affirmations we use humor, provocation, exaggeration and eft:

even t. im pathological obsessed that others might at any cost think bad of me,...

even t. the opinion of thers about me is a million times more important of what i think of me,...

even t. i´ve been cursed by an evil spirit to be for eternity the victim of the judment of others,...

even t. i act goofy or say something embarrassing and then will be banned from the community and talked about for the next ten generations,...

even t. the goal of my life is to worry what others might think of me, i realize im world champion in this, so i already reached this goal,...

even t. the purpose of the people on earth is to observing me, scrutinizing me, examining me,judging me and then condemning me, so i must admit im a really unlucky guy

even t. i´m always the center of attention for people, that would mean that im a star!
so im truly thankful to my social phobia to make me a star!:wink:

hope they help. do these a few days



Well-known member
romeno82 said:
EFT Protocol



Tapping Points Locations

Sore spot :On your chest where you would pin a medal or a brooch - SS

1 Inside edge of the eyebrow - EB
2 On bone outside the eye - SE
3 On bone under the eye - UE
4 Under the nose - UN
5 Between mouth and chin - UL
6 About one inch down and out from top of sternum - CB
7 Tender spot about 4 inches below armpit (bra line) - UA
8 Gamut-point: Treats phobia - see photo



SUD = Subjective Units of Disturbance or Distress (0 - 10 scale)
Alternative Setup statement: "Even though I have this problem, I really want to accept myself."

Gamut-pont = Main point for treating phobias


Step 1 - Name the problem, clearly, directly and truthfully.

Step 2 - Take a SUD reading of how bad it is right now 0 - 10
(0 = none, 10 = unbearable)

Step 3 Setup - "Even though [I have this problem], I deeply and
completely accept myself"
speak three times out loud, while
rubbing the Sore Spot (SS-point on photo).
For example:
"Even though I have this pain in my arm, I deeply and
completely accept myself"

Step 4 - Using one or two fingers, rapidly tap each of the points 7-
10 times, starting from point 1 (eyebrow) and ending with point 8
(gamut), then back to point 6 (collar bone); while tapping each
point, speak out loud, once at each point, a keyword or phrase that
assists you in keeping focus on the problem:
Keyword Example: "pain"

Step 5 - Check SUD level. If significant progress has been made,
yet some remains, go on to step 6. If no progress has been made
(SUD remains high), return to step 1 and explore what other
problem may be under this one. (example: "I did something stupid and hurt my arm."
setup: "Even though I did something stupid and hurt my arm I deeply and completely accept myself." Keyword: "Hurt" or "Stupid").

Step 6 - While rubbing the sore spot, change the Setup to:
"Even though there is still some of this problem [pain] remaining, I deeply and completely accept myself."
Return to step 4 using keyword: "remaining" - meaning "remaining [problem or pain]".

Step 7 - If, after using the new Setup in step 6, the SUD level is not yet down to 0-1, rub the sore spot using this new setup:

"I really want to get completely over this problem [pain], and I deeply and completely accept myself."

Return to step 4 using keywords: "completely over" - meaning "completely over this [problem or pain]"

Adapted from Gary Craig's Emotional Freedom Techniques®

Hi again am i writing here for the wind?

anyway i have some affrimations to tap here that has had a big impact on my social phobia! try them out, its worth. one more thing:try to imagine the situation to trigger the negative feelings

these really help, so do it
ok here they are:

even t. people see that im self-conscious,i...

even t. people see my panic (in social situations), i...

even t. people can recognize my insecurity when talking,i...

even t. people see me disoriented,i...

even t. people see that i lose the control of me,i...

even t. people recognize my anxiety,i...

even t. people see my awkwardness,i...

even t. people think im insane cos of how i behave,i...

even t. people discover my embarrassing secret that im social phobic,i...

even t. people recognize that im shy,i...

even t. people see how i lose control and start to panic,i...

even t. people see that i cant handle myself in social situations,i...

even t. people see that im unattractive, ugly, introverted, embarrassed,...

even t. people think that im a pervert, a maniac, a nerd, a weird guy, jack the ripper


Well-known member
This is all very interesting. A year ago I wouldn't have believed it (no offense to anyone) but my new therapist also works with energy balancing and hypnosis. I have felt a positive difference with hypnosis and she is now teaching me about chakras and also mentioned EFT last time we talked.
I'm willing to try any method that works, so I'll ask more about EFT and see if it works for me.
Thanks for all the information. :wink:


Well-known member
logchuck wrote:

Okay, to answer your questions allergic and romeno, the way it changed me was in that it gave me more control over my emotions... enought to be considered normal (sort of).

I find myself fitting in more. Before I would site down next to some people and wonder why am I sitting here lol. I see myself improving and getting closer to people.

I am still changing, I LOVE IT!

If you guys ever had a bad feeling in your stomach that you couldn't shake, then the sedona method will do you well!

EFT is more for someone that wants to let go of past traumatic, shaming experiences.

I hope I answered your questions.

hi logchuck could you also write down the affirmations you used thanks.


Hi Romeno

The affirmations that I used during EFT were, "Even though I have a problem with __________, I deeply and completely accept myself."

I hope this helps.


As an experienced user of EFT, I can tell you that you may have some unconscious limiting beliefs that are holding you back from effectively treating your issue with EFT. It may be that you don't think it possible that something as easy as EFT can work for your issues. Or it may be that you subconciously think that you do not deserve to get over the issue that you have.

These limiting beliefs are easily dealt with using the sore spot massage, described in the EFT manual and saying to yourself, "even though I don't deserve to get over this [problem], I completely love and accept myself with all my faults and limitations."Repeat twice. Then rubbing the sore spot, (where Americans put their hands for the pledge of allegiance), say, "Even though it is not possible for me to completely let go of my issue, I completely love and accept myself , etc (3 times). Then do collar bone breathing. Then go through a couple of tapping sessions and my guess is that you will be all clear on this particular issue. More issues may present themselves and you just deal with each one as it comes up. It may be helpful to write down each issue and numerically assign it a number from 1 to 10: the bigger the issue, the bigger the number. Do the collar bone breathing technique, and the psychological reversal technique using the sore spot. Follow up with a couple of tapping rounds. Ta dahhhh! Your number should be 0. If not, then repeat, but make sure the issue hasn't changed and that you are not ascribing a high number to an issue or an aspect you have not yet addressed with EFT. These are common errors that newbies to EFT do make, which makes them think it is not working for them.

Icecube said:
I've read many success stories about EFT(Emotional Freedom Techniques--a self accu-tapping method combined with pos. affirmations)) which is one of those methods that you can learn by yourself (the manual can be downloaded for free @ ) and administer on yourself. Allthough it didn't quite work on myself, I am convinced that it would help many people here(at least I'd hope so). The reason why it doesn't work effectively on me, is I believe, because I'm not 'inside my body'. I would be curious though to hear if others have success with this. It's worth trying anyway, because it doesn't cost a thing. :D