Empty Summer Holiday


Having finished school in May, I am now facing a summer in which I have yet to be employed. I've applied to about 30 different jobs, but haven't gotten a single call back, likely due to the fact that my resume appears to have an irresponsibility grenade blown up all over it, that is, I have job hopped a lot in the past.
I hate being unemployed not only because it results in me spending a lot of time by myself, which never ends well for me, but because the shortness of necessary funds is causing very physical and very real stress symptoms. I've been having trouble getting to sleep, I'm becoming increasingly antisocial with most people I know, I spend most of my time in a constant state of mild nausea, and my hair has been falling out.
I have no idea how to go about dealing with any of this.


Well-known member
All you can really do is keep applying to places, and keep checking in with the hiring managers there to check in and let them know you're still looking. While you wait just try to keep yourself busy, maybe work on being ok in your own company? Or you could do things like community service to help bolster your resume, as well as help you keep your mind off of things.


All you can really do is keep applying to places, and keep checking in with the hiring managers there to check in and let them know you're still looking. While you wait just try to keep yourself busy, maybe work on being ok in your own company? Or you could do things like community service to help bolster your resume, as well as help you keep your mind off of things.

Actually I do have 3 days most weeks where I could put in volunteer hours somewhere. This isn't a bad idea. Thanks.
You mentioned you just completed school. If you've been in school for the whole time (and that's made clear on the job applications) I don't think not having steady work would be too much of a strike against you. If it comes up in an interview you can say you were focusing on school.

Depending on what kind of job you're looking for and where you are located it's probably normal to apply to way more places than you hear back from. I haven't kept count but if I had to guess I'd say I probably send in 15 applications for every 1 call I get back - that's even when I stick to places that are actively hiring.

If you can, try to get in with a personal recommendation from somebody... half of the jobs I've had, I only got them because I knew somebody that worked at the place who could recommend me to the manager. They're going to take a recommendation like that over picking someone who sent in an application every time.