Empathy vs Sympathy


One thing I have certainly learnt through my journey of anxiety and depression is the difference between the strong words Empathy and Sympathy. What is Empathy and how is it defined for sufferers of A&D?
I certainly understand Sympathy, but I am confused when it comes to Empathy, I thought I knew its definition, but though my own experience I feel as though I have been mislead; which brings me to my next question,
Does Empathy come with a tolerance?
When does those being empathetic lose empathy and why? and when should those who have lost empathy from friends/family/love ones lose empathy towards their inability to maintain empathy??

I am finding it extremely difficult to understand the mysterious relationship that exists between empathy and moreover its tolerance with the proposed selfishness of those receiving empathetic treatment? or am I being selfish? are all individuals suffering from Mental Illness being selfish towards their friends/families/love ones when it comes to the requested unconditional empathy??

Please bear in mind, that I do have empathy (and moreover sympathy) towards all individuals poisoned with Mental Illness as I myself suffer from it, however I loathe the idea of shunning the general society from my existence due to ignorance for lack of a better word .. ignorance

I would love to hear the thoughts of everyone regarding this issue,

You know what, that's a really good question. I wish I could answer. I'm pretty sure that I have empathy a whole lot more than sympathy. I think. Confusing. Not sure of the total difference either.


Psychedelicious said:
You know what, that's a really good question. I wish I could answer. I'm pretty sure that I have empathy a whole lot more than sympathy. I think. Confusing. Not sure of the total difference either.

hey Psychedelicious,

I'm new to this, the open exchange of thoughts and feelings, any advice? I don't want you to think I'm putting pressure on you, but I really need a friend through this...what would you recommend?



Psychedelicious said:
Ahhh sorry I don't know what to say. I'm confusing myself here.

hey Psychedilicious,
yeah no worries, I was only querying about the approach I should take to absorb myself respectively into this community, thanks for your response,

I hope you have gained something from this site, as I hope to, maybe we could be friends?

Either way, hope all is well,


1. harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.
2. the harmony of feeling naturally existing between persons of like tastes or opinion or of congenial dispositions.
3. the fact or power of sharing the feelings of another, esp. in sorrow or trouble; fellow feeling, compassion, or commiseration.
4. sympathies,
a. feelings or impulses of compassion.
b. feelings of favor, support, or loyalty: It's hard to tell where your sympathies lie.
5. favorable or approving accord; favor or approval: He viewed the plan with sympathy and publicly backed it.
6. agreement, consonance, or accord.
7. Psychology. a relationship between persons in which the condition of one induces a parallel or reciprocal condition in another.
8. Physiology. the relation between parts or organs whereby a condition or disorder of one part induces some effect in another.
9. expressing sympathy: a sympathy card; a sympathy vote.

1. the intellectual identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.
2. the imaginative ascribing to an object, as a natural object or work of art, feelings or attitudes present in oneself: By means of empathy, a great painting becomes a mirror of the self.
1. Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives. See Synonyms at pity.
2. The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.

The implication I draw from that is sympathy is about emotional agreement, whereas empathy is only about emotional understanding.

David24 said:
are all individuals suffering from Mental Illness being selfish towards their friends/families/love ones when it comes to the requested unconditional empathy??

I doubt there's anyone in the world who doesn't want empathy from others. It may not be reasonable to expect it, but it's certainly reasonable to want it.