

I have had and still have many obsessions/compulsions, some of which I have taught myself to control. I still have the obsessive thoughts, but am able to control my actions (or obsessions) to some degree (if I choose to).

However, my biggest problem that I am currently trying to concur is emetophobia (fear of vomit/vomitting). I have had this fear as long as I can remember (childhood). I know it is irrational to be so concerned, but I am. It has worsened immensely since having children. I don't want them to go anywhere, be around anyone, etc. I freak out if someone has a stomach ache. I check all poops (I want to be the one to wipe buts so I can check status on possible stomach problems). I must ask everyone 10 times a day (on a good day) how they feel or if their tummy hurts.

At any rate, does anyone share this and have they been able to conquer it? I am making progress with a new therapist. I know that people get sick, I can't control it...blah, blah, blah. But my heart still races and I am up all night worrying about who's going to be puking next.


New member
I have it too! last couple of years it got MUCH better, so as my social phobia.
actually, they both kind of connected...

btw, the is a forum for emetophobia, just like this one...but it has been down for quite a long time now...


Have you done something different to make it get better? I am working on the whole idea of "not worrying about it." Which is just another thing that occupies my mind which isn't much different. When everything is going well, I think yeah I know everyone gets sick sometimes. Still, say my stomach hurts, even hold your stomach and I'll flip out. I won't be able to eat, sleep, etc.

I have even been, in the past, told I am anorexic because I will only eat enough to stay healthy and will not eat when I feel it is not safe (due to stomach viruses in the house or possibility of contaminated food). I am very thin. 5'4" 100 pounds on a good day. I try to maintain at least 100 pounds so everyone will leave me alone. My current therapist acknowledges that I am not anorexic, but says she wants me to be free to eat and enjoy eatting and I will then gain weight. Now my new goal is to gain enough weight that she will stop that issue.


New member
i have been seeing a psychologist for about two years.
i mostly tried to cope with my social phobia, and somehow the emetophobia suddenly started getting better...what also helped me was that i started with bodybuilding...because of the large amount of food you have to eat and stuff i had to cope with it...

btw, sorry if im not making myself clear enough it's just that english is my third language.