

New member
My friend is trying to get me to try out ecstasy. I've been smoking weed for a very long time, why should I change? And plus they say that ecstasy messes up your brain. Why should I do it, just to get high, when weed gets me high?


Yeah any type of speed-related drug like ecstacy, amphetamines, cocaine, etc. are really not going to be good for someone with social phobia. Believe me, I've been there, done that, and learned my lesson. Please learn from my mistakes so you don't have to go into a head spin like i did.



Well-known member
theres a reason why our bodies dont naturally pop out pills for us to take when we like, coz our brains dont need it. anything that messes with your brain chemistry is going to have an effect. believe me when i say ive seen it for myself the changes in people. i cant say i havent tried amphetamins and so on myself but heres why i stopped

cannabis eventualy gave me psychosis.

ampthetamins, the day after if i got up i would go blind.

cocain, my nose bled.

but i thank these bad reactions because they happened before i got too involved with the drug, like a warning sign.

stick to the occasional puff, or better enjoy ur mind how nature intended it.


Only you know what's truly best for yourself. Read up on ecstasy if you're unsure (like here for starters: ), and make your decision then.

I will say this: I've done ecstasy once (I was in high school), and had a great experience. It was the first time in my life I really felt worry-free (on top of the euphoric effects). If you trust the people you're with, drink plenty of water, and use it VERY VERY SPARINGLY, you shouldn't have any bad long-term effects.

However, I agree with the others that drugs are no good over the long-term. There are much better and healthier ways to be happy.


Active member
the first time i tried ecstacy was when i just started to develop slight SA in highschool.

the cool thing was i did it during class , and all my of SA completely melted away, i was extremely talkative, had no problems with talking to people i didnt know, it was really weird. of course that feeling of 0 anxiety only lasted for the rest of the day, and i was back to my similar patterns the next day.

i was surprised by how it totally took away all anxiety, unlike when i smoked pot i would get extremely nervous.


You decide, if you go for it you shoud use them very very sparingly, it is easy to get addicted and then your mind will be fucked up
In my case, I tried coke and meth a couple of times each, as a "self medication" to SA and i concluded it was not a success, yes i remember what it feels like having no SA but it is impossible to me to reach that state again without them, and i'm not planning to take them again


Well-known member
Everybody uses drugs at their own risk. Ecstasy is usually safe but the people who make the drug have no quality control so you don't know what you get besides the active ingredient. My advice would be to not try drugs as there will be no long term benefits. :D