Earthy lifestyles


Well-known member
I live in the country and have a somewhat alternative lifestyle. I'm very environmentally concerned, I recycle, compost, and grow some of my own food. I buy my things used when I can find them. I strive for a "off the grid type lifestyle, I think that the modern American lifestyle (I live in the USA) is wasteful, obnoxious and completely appalling. No offence to anyone. I could write many pages about my crazy leftist opinions (morals) but you get the point. I feel trapped because I have so many things that really need to be said, and there are not many people saying them, But I can hardly hold a conversation when everyone is on my side, so I just keep it to myself and it makes me very bitter.
It truly makes me happy to live righteously, to the best of my ability, but it makes it harder socially. It is certainly not what causes my sp, but it separates me and makes it harder. :?
Are there any other of these types out there I can relate to?


Active member
do you have a job, if not how do you pay bills

and what needs to be said

I am verry intrested in your life style


Well-known member
Morgs said:
do you have a job, if not how do you pay bills

and what needs to be said

I am verry intrested in your life style
Evil modern society is good for only one thing: Paying out welfare! :D


Well-known member
emmasma said:
I live in the country and have a somewhat alternative lifestyle. I'm very environmentally concerned, I recycle, compost, and grow some of my own food. I buy my things used when I can find them. I strive for a "off the grid type lifestyle, I think that the modern American lifestyle (I live in the USA) is wasteful, obnoxious and completely appalling. No offence to anyone. I could write many pages about my crazy leftist opinions (morals) but you get the point. I feel trapped because I have so many things that really need to be said, and there are not many people saying them, But I can hardly hold a conversation when everyone is on my side, so I just keep it to myself and it makes me very bitter.
It truly makes me happy to live righteously, to the best of my ability, but it makes it harder socially. It is certainly not what causes my sp, but it separates me and makes it harder. :?
Are there any other of these types out there I can relate to?
hiya emmasma.....i also believe much of what you say.....about how we are using and abusing the earth...and there are many alternative ways to grow food....and recycle....although..where i live...most people are so busy with their lives to even take notice that there is another way.....and it frustrates me also...i live in the country and..i do a lot of recycling....grow vegetarian....have pretty much wiped out most of the chemicals in my home....and clean with natural substances...but..i can tell..everyone around me things i'm weird or something....different cause i do things a different way.....they don't even try to understand.......frustrating.... :evil:


Well-known member
Well thank you guys, I'm a little better. I do have a job. I work for an evil chain restaurant. :x I do strive for something different than people around me. I was raised with these ideals kind of but it was never quite like that, because of money I guess. My dads kind of a mad old hippy that I think he has sp or something, but we don't talk about that kind of stuff. His attitude is more like f*** everyone and he hates everyone and thing. I don't like this at all, and I find it hard to adamately disagree with everything I come in contact with and not be controversial. I really don't like insulting people, I'm nice :).


Well-known member
Hi emmasma,
I wish I lived somewhere where there were more people with your ideals.
I seem to be surrounded by people who are only interested in shopping and stuff. I've even been bullied for drinking fruit tea 8O .
Never mind.....I like a gentle natural life.....& if I want to grow my own herbs & brew up tea with them like an old hippy witch then I will :D .
Nice to know someone somewhere would understand. :)


Well-known member
I completely agree with you, emmasma!

Garbage day makes me depressed, and unlike the rest of my family, I really WORRY about where all our wast products go. I think the Native Americans had the right idea.

But it's difficult to live in the earthy way I want when I'm stranded in the suburbs. I'd love to live somewhere out in the country where the world exists the way it was meant to......*sigh* Someday :) :roll:


Well-known member
"I've had years of cramped up city life, trapped like a duck in a pen. All I know is it's a pity life, can't be simple again."

That pretty much sums it up. Heh song lyric I was listening to when I was reading your post
I think it depends where you live...there are some off the grid , or environmental towns that you could be a part of if you craved company.... Like the islands off of BC, one of the islands (I'm not sure which one) only has residents that are off the grid. I'm sure in these communities, once it becomes daily life, there will be no 'side' to take on the issue, it will just be the norm, if that will help your strong-opinionated silence. Unfortunately I can't relate yet, because I still live with my parents.


Well-known member
I just logged on for the first time in a long time (a year maybe) and here is one of my few posts right at the top! It is an old one too, I have not worked for the "evil chain restaurant" for years.

I think it is not so much the "earthy lifestyle" that is the issue, just that it is outside the mainstream. It is hard to be someone who does not want attention and prefers blending in, but be totally different. I would have to go against every moral grain in my body to be normal, but I know that would make it easier.


Active member
Emmasma, if only there were more people willing to follow their own moral obligations and not the main stream. I like to see myself in this way as well, I call it being a "zagger", while the mainstream are all "zigging" you will find me "zagging" in another direction which I believe to be morally correct.

I believe this is the attribute of someone who knows who they are and is not looking for the approval of others at the expense of themselves. Keep this attitude as it will make you exceptional and you will be rewarded.

Be true to yourself and always do what is right for you. Well Done!


Well-known member
If I couldI would take care of my own food,plant my own food,eat straight from the farm or buy from farmers and etc,but its not practical for me,so I have to eat the next best thing.