

Well folks,

After years of looking, trying, searching, after doing everything I thought possible to conquer SA and all that comes with it, I finally found a girl that I thought was the one, my soulmate, I've never felt anything like it, and it seemed to be reciprocated. But as of last night, I'm back to square one.

The main problem I have and will encounter in the future is that I was desperately lonely and unhappy when I met my (now) ex. In the short couple of months we were together, I was deliriously happy. I couldn't have cared less about any hassles at work, or any other problems, I laughed them off, as I knew in a few hours I'd be lying with her on the sofa.

Now that she's gone for good, I'm back to my loneliness, my depression, amplified by the fact I've lost what I thought was the one. At the age of 36, I can safely say I've never met anyone like her ( after, say 20 years of trying ), so cannot see the possibility of ever finding someone like her again. And I don't just sit around expecting it to happen, I've been online dating on numerous sites for 8 years, travel frequently, but still never click with potential partners.

Not sure if I can come back from this one to be honest
In 10th grade I was dumped by this girl who I too, "thought was the one" uhg love cliches are so true and annoying... Anyways because of her I basically stopped attending classes the second half of my 10th grade year.

The more you fall for someone the harder it'll hurt when it's all over, as for advice, it might take time but move on? .-.


Well-known member
lol im 45 been through that , you will find someone ... just dont give up ;)