dropping out


Well-known member
i always considered myself a huge failure cus i dropped out of school. reading these posts i c other ppl have left also due to anxiety. i was actually intelligent, always straight A's until high school became too hard. its a little comforting that im not alone but its still disappointing.


Well-known member
I made it through, but high school was challenging for me. I have always done fine academically, but it was definitely harder than earlier years.


Well-known member
i dropped out of highschool due to anxiety and teasing. Man was that like the root cause frolm my anxiety going full blown out. Im now 17 with no socializing skills. Ive missed the most important years of developing humor and what to talk to people about. Social ques everything. Right now even if im on a good day w my meds and my anxiety isnt too high. Im blank and have nothing to say to people regardless. Im as fun as a wall:(


Well-known member
I finished high school but I'm kinda feeling the same way now about college. Started off doing great but slowly got worse.