I used to be worried about making a mistake aswell how embarrassing.
Especially with holding up heaps of traffic so they can wait for me to do a reverse parallel park :lol: I got over it years ago though dosnt worry me anymore.
How this though man, this is a great story.
Im in a busy inner city neighbourhood in afternoon peak hour. 4 way intersection, iv turned left, and gotten jammed because it was a real narrow single lane street. Well theres cars parked along one side, and a bloody delivery truck stopped on the other. Theres no way I can get a full sized sedan through that hole.
Anyway, within a few minutes, the lights have changed, and its bedlam man. The whole intersection is in gridlock, theres about a dozen taxi's behind me, cars, trucks, everyone is bipping thier horns, im sitting in the car, there was nothing I could do. To them it might have looked like there was room but there wasnt.
Anyway so im starting to get pretty annoyed, and then the cabbie behind me starts yelling at me saying "whats the matter with you theres room go go go".
I lost my temper, got out of the car went to his window, and start abusing him, he half rolls up his window and shouts back at me :lol:
Then the delivery drivers show up and they get involved, before you know it theres about half a dozen people screaming at each other and blaming each other, probably a hundred cars in gridlock by now, the intersection completely jammed, and everyone bipping thier horns, all because of me :lol:
Anyway the idiots moved thier truck, I got to the job interview on time, and ended up getting it too.