Drive Thru


Well-known member
does anybody else hate these? i avoid them at all costs but there's a place to eat around here that that's the only option you have and you sit and eat in your car or you take it home.

i was with my friend and she suggested we go to eat there. well of course i was driving...

she ordered this barbecue combo with no slaw and french fries thing - well i never eat barbecue and she said it all in one sentence and i was so nervous, litterally after the third time of me asking to repeat what she said, she just yelled over me into the speaker herself.

i was so embarrassed, i felt so nervous. plus i always think the people on the other end of the speaker think i'm incompetent and are laughing at me. i'm always afraid they're cocking an attitude at me. i dunno, it's so easy to come off rude too b/c if you can't understand them or you drive off without hearing what they said, you seem rude.



Well-known member
Hope this makes makes you feel better but normally the people working in the take away outlets think that your laughing at them because of their low wages. :lol:


Well-known member
Heh, once i stopped by a drive thru, but i was on foot.
Asked for a milkshake i think, the guy said cars only. I tried to negotiate but, damnit... Walked into the night after my milkshake.


Well-known member
Hope this makes makes you feel better but normally the people working in the take away outlets think that your laughing at them because of their low wages.

that's true, i'm not intentionally rude, part of the reason i hate it is it's so easy to come off rude - not that i cock an attitude myself. i know what it's like to be on the otherside and it's not fun. but my philosophy is they still need to have respect for customers no matter what they're doing. i've worked at rock bottom before and i worked my way up. if they hate it so much, get another job.

that's another thing i hate, is when employees are rude to me. i've worked too many damn years and years of retail and food service to take shit from soemone else in the job. if i did that, i'd get chewed out. it's like an insult to me of all the years i kept my mouth shut with disrespectful customers. but to get it from an employee? buddy better watch out... if they hate the job, quit. if they can't because they can't get another job somewhere else b/c they've been fired too many times before, or have a bad record, maybe they just shouldn't work at all.

oy, this has turned into a rant...

but yeah, back to the topic. drive thru's make me nervous. rude employees piss me off and want me to shot them in the head at point blank range with a rifle.


Well-known member
LibertadIlusoria said:
If I'm driving, we go inside to order. End. :wink:

haha, i like that attitude. the problem is this place litterally, you can't order inside. only employees are allowed inside. it's drive thru only.

argh, i should have said i hated eating there and we should have gone somewhere else haha