Dreams and dream symbolism


Hello everybody,

I am interested in dreams and dream symbolism, and particularly in the dreams that people with social anxiety have. I found some of my dreams quite revealing - besides quite straightforward ones where i was in socially humiliating situations, or wish-fulfillment ones where i was socially succeeding, i also had more weird imagery - quite a few dreams where i was crossing rooms full of snakes, and a series of dreams which stuck in my mind where i was confronted by this crazy old tramp, which i think represented my emotional problems which i wasnt confronting.

anyway, i would love to hear about other people's dreams, any they think relate to social anxiety. i want to try and find out if there are dreams connected to the condition.


wild mango


Well-known member
I love reading people's dreams and going over my own. So if others post this could be a very interesting thread for me. :D lol

Well, here's one of mine that relates directly to this forum lol:

I’d typed a message on here, I don’t remember what the original message was, but someone replied saying that my posts were amazing. And that they always felt better if they listened to a song, which they then suggested I listen to. I knew that I found this song (I don’t think it was real) very offensive, so I politely told them that I’d rather not listen to it thank you. I also thanked them very much for thinking my posts were amazing, but they really, really weren’t amazing at all. The person then shouted at me for not wanting to listen to their song and called me all sorts of names. I replied with. “Well, you’re entitled to hold that opinion of me if you wish, I didn’t mean to be offensive by not listening to your song. I’m sorry.”

Admin came on and wrote a post, directed to me. “You’d like me to lock this thread wouldn’t you? Well, I’m not going to lock a thread to please someone like YOU! Someone who has been highly offensive to another member of Social Phobia World. For the record, you’re posts aren’t amazing, they are average, in fact they are below average and offer nothing to anyone! I’m now giving you an official warning!”

I tried my best to explain that I wasn’t being offensive to the other person, that I’d tried to be as polite as possible. But Admin stood by their decision. An online friend of mine came on, so I started telling them what had happened and how upset I was. They calmed me down almost immediately, and I stopped worrying about it.

I then went onto another forum, another online friend had left a post for me, which I was a little apprehensive about reading, since I knew my post before had been well; Incoherent, ravings mostly. They found a lot of what I said funny, so laughed and took it all in good humour. I typed a reply telling them I was glad they hadn’t been offended by my post. End of dream.


Well-known member
...speaking of which, I had this important dream a few nights back. It was important because it felt so.

I was on holiday someplace and came across two treasures or souvenirs to buy. First, I found a gold nugget, or a gold mineral; that seemed to look like a shell and had hundreds of different shades of gold that were like what you see on a paua shell.

Then I found a souvenir that was a very dark and scary looking black mask. It was a "devil mask" and yet it didn't scare me much and I said to my self in the dream: "It's not really scary".

....i told my councellor and she said that to find gold is to bring something that is unconcious into conciousness and that you've found something of value about yourself that you didn't know was there.
The devil mask was more ambiguous, since a mask is a symbol for 'the persona', which is the image we like to present to the world. And 'the devil' is evil and is usually associated with repressed unconcious matter.
....so this dream symbol is a bit confusing to understand, one part of it being about the concious and the other part being about the unconcious.

Well, my councelor likes to interpret things in the best possible way. It's hard to tell just what a dream actually means; and many symbols have different interpretations.


devils and gold

thats an interesting dream miss muffet,

perhaps the devil mask represents those parts of you that you find difficult to accept - your shyness, your psychic woundedness, your pain - and by saying 'that's not so scary' youre showing that youre learning to accept these things about yourself, that they are not necessarily fundamental to you (hence they are a mask). the gold is definitely a good sign i think, showing perhaps your inner and innate worth, which you had forgotten.


Well-known member
I very often dream that I am trying to use a telephone, but I keep pushing the wrong buttons, or dialing the wrong number. Another dream I have a lot is being in a huge building, I think it's a shopping mall. But all the stores are dark and empty, everything is gray and ugly, there are spiderwebs or cobwebs, and I just wander around and can't find my way out. I also dream frequently of the house where I grew up, where I had many negative experiences.

How I interpret these dreams - well, I guess the telephone thing symbolizes my inability to connect or to deal with others. The shopping mall thing -- I don't know. They say that a house or a building symbolizes your soul, or how you feel inside. Dreaming about the old house where I grew up must show that I haven't been able to come to terms with the hurts I suffered as a child/teenager.

Anyone else out there have dreams like this?


Well-known member
Can anyone solve this really creepy dream and event which happened after?

Awhile ago I had this really creepy dream that I bought this white headband with green spots, and that if I went out and bought it, this guy which I am still stuck on, would want to see me again.

So being the stupid person I am, I went and did it, and then four hours later, he appeared on msn and wanted to see me again that night.....what the hell? :oops: 8O :p and don't laugh at me for admitting that