Dreading the Holidays


Well-known member
omg i am cmpletely dreading and freaking out over thanksgiving!! i never have b4 bcuz its just been me and my imediate family that im close 2 ((grandparents, aunt, uncles, cousins ect.)) and 4 sum reason around all them i can be loud and have fun buuuuut since my brother moved out last yr and i havent seen him itll be SOOOOO akward seeing him plus 4 some reson my family wants 2 have thanksgiving w/ THE WHOLE FAMILY which in my family is the whole freakin town! so itll be about 200 loud red-necks that all kno each other--- and me the quiet city girl that dont kno ne1. :( sooo i rlly dont kno what 2 do and 4 new yrs i was gonna hang out and drink w/ my best and only friend and same thing w/ her im not shy at all so we usually go hang out w/ these like 5-10 guys we kinda kno and the sad part is just when i think im being rlly talkative and doing good some1 jusr has 2 say "god ur so quiet!" or u dont say a word or something like that. but anyways me and her just got in a big fight sooo looks like this holidays r gonna suck big time. :/ sry 4 this being so long idk if ne1 will even take the time 2 read it


Active member
I hear you.. the same here with my family... cousins bringin their new bf or gf, which most often happen to be people that I know or know off... (I'm from a small place where "everyone" knows each other or knows at least someone that is related to you :roll: )
I wish it was January already... :(


Well-known member
im actually trying to find a way to get out of it because i know its the entire day, from morning until midnight :oops:

i can handle a few hours of interaction but the whole day can be a challenge ...im trying to organise going to a friends house christmas night so im not stuck at the christmas party for too long, as long as im there for a little while that means i showed up and everyone knows i care

good luck guys, whatever happens you know there are other people like myself who are in the same shoes