Dreading Doing Something Too


Well-known member
I want to join the Singing Club at my school. Sadly, there's no understanding grown-up running it. It's all students!!! What's worse is that there are students in the club that are not friends I could talk anything with about, but not strangers either where you can build a relationship. These in-between relationships are the worst. You kind of know them, they kind of know you, but you don't know whether or not they've accepted you yet. If everybody in that club was of "stranger-status" I wouldn't be asking for help, but it's driving me crazy because it's too sad to give up the opportunity when I've already realized that social phobia is eating me up daily. Either give me a panacea or just calm me down. It's the self-beat-up of not being able to go and not being at peace that's driving me crazy.

As always, thank you.