drastic measures to cure my sa


New member
i have been sitting thinking of a way to overcome my sa. i know it sounds strange but i think it may help. i have just bought a plane trip return for melbourne.... i am in adelaide south australia (SA :p ) and this is the closest city to me where i know no-one and no-one knows me. i plan on going over there and dressing like a weirdo and going out to shopping centres and public places and walking around trying to cause as much of a spectacle as possible. because most of my sa revolves around what people will think of me and how i am portrayed and in a small city like adelaide you cant really blend in, everyone knows everyone ! but over in melbourne there will be no possible ramifications for my "weirdness" and surely after such an intense " treatment " and inviting the stares and disaprovall from so many of the public it will make venturing out into the public of my hometown easier. :lol: what does everyone think...... am i crazy as well as suffering from sa ?


Well-known member
acully that seems like a really good idea. i have also thought about doing the same thing going some where new and making my self stand out and bringing attention to my self so ur definitly not crazy you should definitly do it if you are preparied to draw attention to yourself it could do no harm.


New member
will do falcon... i leave tomorrow and ill be back by the weekend. im pretty excited about it all, just packing my clothes .... had to borrow some clothes from my MUM to get the desired affect !!!! THIS IS GUNNA BE FUN


Well-known member
What will you dress like? And will at actually help you? If that was me i would probably feel worse afterwards because of everyone staring. Anyways good luck.


Well-known member
Lol, interested to see how it goes. Reports of what comes out of it please. :D

Also, use a cat in the hat, they rock.


New member
hey that sounds like a good idea. hope the experience turns out to be helpful and what u expect. good luck! :wink:


Well-known member
extreme exposure therapy :D
It sounds like a great plan....good luck to you x
Let us know if it works