

Well-known member
That was really interesting, thanks Phil! To be honest, I skimmed over much of it. But I got the idea of what's going to happen. You know, depending on where you live, this doesn't have to be seen as a catastrophe. Our ancestors survived without the kind of things that will go. It may take a lot of adjusting, but for the best in the end. Take this paragraph:

"Big deal. If gas prices get high, I’ll just drive less. Why should I give a damn?"

Because petrochemicals are key components to much more than just the gas in your car. As geologist Dale Allen Pfeiffer points out in his article entitled, "Eating Fossil Fuels," approximately 10 calories of fossil fuels are required to produce every 1 calorie of food eaten in the US.

The size of this ratio stems from the fact that every step of modern food production is fossil fuel and petrochemical powered:

1. Pesticides are made from oil;

2. Commercial fertilizers are made from ammonia, which is
made from natural gas, which will peak about 10 years
after oil peaks;

3. With the exception of a few experimental prototypes, all
farming implements such as tractors and trailers are
constructed and powered using oil;

4. Food storage systems such as refrigerators are
manufactured in oil-powered plants, distributed across
oil-powered transportation networks and usually run on
electricity, which most often comes from natural gas or

5. In the US, the average piece of food is transported
almost 1,500 miles before it gets to your plate. In
Canada, the average piece of food is transported 5,000
miles from where it is produced to where it is consumed.

In short, people gobble oil like two-legged SUVs.

It's surely a good thing that this can't happen anymore! In Europe we have similar problems but not as bad I would think. Good health makes our brains more easily pleased. However you feel generally, if your food was fresh and organic, you'd be healthier and therefore happier than now. And more intelligent. And less likely to have children with all kinds of neurological disorders. There must be a reason for the rise in things like autism, and in things like infertility, and by going back to a situation where food is real, the air is clean, certain health risks from modern medicine are gone (I've read things... there are more than most think), and we walk more and exercise more, we may find ourselves needing less trips to the doctor anyway. It'd be back to that old romantic time Thoughtless was talking about. I could live without technology for that :)

Really, there's no point worrying about things like this. Prepare, yes. But worrying doesn't help anyone. Just think, if you die tomorrow you'll have spent your last day worrying about something that still might not happen, and that you couldn't have done anything about.

Sorry, I'm not very good at cheering people up... :roll:


Oh yeah

Yeah, I love this kind of stuff. I am totally for the crash, that may sound weird but I think society needs it to get out of the stupor we're in right now.

This is my favorite quote and its true:

"All we have learned of psychotherapy suggests that it is at the precise time when the individual feels as if his whole life is crashing down around him, that he is most likely to achieve an inner reorganisation constituting a quantum leap in his growth toward maturity. Our hope, our belief, is that it is precisely when society's future seems so beleaguered – when its problems seem almost staggering in complexity, when so many individuals seem alienated, and so many values seem to have deteriorated – that it is most likely to achieve a metamorphosis in society's growth toward maturity, toward more truly enhancing and fulfilling the human spirit than ever before. Thus we envision the possibility of an evolutionary leap to a trans-industrial society that not only has know-how, but also a deep inner knowledge of what is worth doing."

– Willis Harman

It shouldn't be depressing, we will be greater than we've ever been, because we have to be.....


Well-known member
Yea i welcome it,give humanity the slap round the face it needs,rather than been fueled by greed for money.Things at first will change for the worst but when all the tanks and planes grind to a halt the wars will end and maybe we can start to think with our minds and not our wallets.


Well-known member
Didn't had the patience 2 read all that about dooms day. I guess it was about running out of oil, witch is used to produce energy. But there are other ways to produce energy and alternatives will be found, that page is 2 pessimistic.