Don't you hate it when....

Someone says "I'm not a pessimist, I'm a realist!!" This annoys me because

A) It means they think the reality of life is that it sucks, and that's not true!!

B) It's like they're saying I'm delusional just because I try to see the world in a more positive light, and I should try to be like them all depressed about how much the world sucks, BUT I JUST DON'T SEE IT THAT WAY!!!

If the "real world" is so crappy and negative, why do these people continue to live????

I'm not mad or anything, just saying lol


Well-known member
I remember Victor Frankl talking about how in the Death Camps in Germany, the realists were the ones that layed down and died because the reality was it was so hopeless...the people that tried to make the best of it survived because the didn't give up hope. Frankl would go off in to a dream land with his wife as a way to make it threw the day...he didn't know until after he was released that his wife had been dead for months.

So screw anyone that calls themselves a realist. If Frankl could find some sort of delusional way to make it through the fucking holocaust...fuck what was real at the time, ya know? Whats real is that the people that gave up hope died and the one living in a fantasy land survied. That's real