Don't know where to start...


Hello! I googled a bit and found this site. I feel like I would like to talk to someone about my problem, but nobody seems to understand. Heck, I don't even understand it myself. I feel stupid and I feel like I am going crazy... and I thought, maybe here I can find someone who will listen and help me sort out what I am going through. I'm afraid I am going insane. Thanks for reading this.


Oh, thank god, someone answered! I'm so glad. I felt so alone right now. I've been crying for the last hour or so. I took a Xanax but it doesn't seem to help. Maybe I should take another one.
I feel so ashamed of myself. I don't even know how to explain what my problem is. I don't even seem to have one. At least that's what everyone else seems to think. Ok, but here it goes: I am afraid of a 12 year old boy from my neighborhood. He scares me to death. I saw him tonight again after many weeks, and I started to shake like a leaf and I wanted him to go away and when he was just staying out there, in front of my house and he didn't go, I got this stupid panic attack. Crying, sobbing, my heart was pounding, I felt like I am going to pass out. And my husband is on a business trip... I am 37, for crying out loud! And I am scared to death by this guy. Last year I had a run in with this boy, Sam, and ever since I am scared even to look at him. He made me feel small, and now I feel powerless and I feel like he's out to get me. I am a mother of a little boy myself, he's three... and I'm insane!


Well-known member
Aw you're not insane *huggles* and you shouldn't feel ashamed about being scared of a 12 year old. They can be evil little bastards when they want to be (not that I'm saying your son will be like that when he's 12 lol). I'm sorry you're so frightened of him tho. If you don't mind me asking, what has he done to make you so afraid? If I'm making you way too uncomfortable asking this then just tell me to shove it and I'll totally understand :)


No, I'm not uncomfortable to talk to you. I don't know you, and although I'm ashamed, I feel relief in being able to share my troubles.

Well, it's nothing really. It all started last year, when a bunch of boys started to play street hockey in front of my house. They kept on hitting my flowerbeds with their sticks and rolling over my lawn with their inline skates. And they played every evening, night after night, until it got dark, 10 PM or later. Now we live in a cute little strata that has no traffic, and my house just happens to be in front of this cul-de-sac, plus we're on a little slope too, so if a ball rolls astray, it'll end up in my yard. Plus, the hockey balls/pucks kept on hitting my car that was parked there. I tried everything to end this. I even bought softer play balls for all the kids and distributed them, I tried to make them understand that they should not use their sticks to fish the balls out of my flowers, and that the should be careful with their skates and not JUMP into my lawn, but nothing helped. The strata wasn't helpful either. And the worst "offender" was a boy that doesn't even live here, he lives down the street on another property. Yet he was always there, and because he's older than the others, he kept on staying late. My living room windows face their "play area", so there was no chance for me just to ignore it. One evening I finally confronted him and told him that this was a private property, and if he had been invited by someone else to play it was ok, but if he was playing by himself, it wasn't and he should go home and play in front of his own house and people wanted their peace and quiet after dark. He said that he didn't care about what I said and that he was allowed to play here as much as he wanted and that he wasn't afraid of me. I didn't know what else to say. I disappeared with the tail between my legs. I had really tried to be friendly, and I wasn't prepared for a backtalk like that. After that, my husband talked to him, but that didn't help so much either, and not even when the strata issued a letter about playing in the street which my husband delivered to his father. But suddenly, around Christmas last year, he and his dad disappeared. They were gone, from the face of the earth. I couldn't believe it at first, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. And then, about a month ago, they reappeared, out of the blue. He and his dad. Sam is back. And tonight, for the first time in 6 months, he played in front of my house again. I have hung up curtains, thick, black curtains, so I don't have to look outside. But I hear. So I sit in front of my computer with my headphones on so I don't have to hear them laugh and scream. But in my head, I keep thinking about the damage they are going to my garden, and how I can't do anything about it, because he's just a boy. I can't call the police, I already talked to his dad, and there is nothing else I can do. My husband tells me to "chill", my neighbors don't seem bothered, and I just cry whenever I see him. My life is a living nightmare ever since he returned. I am on edge when I see the other children play, which is no fun either, but when he's out there, I'm a WRECK. How many Xanax do I have to take to get a "happy feeling"? I'm afraid to try.

You know, I don't know if I have a real social phobia. Ask me to speak in public, and I'm thrilled. I love to hold a speech, I always have. I can talk to my boss, or complete strangers, and they find me charming and interesting. But I hated children all my life. I think it might depend on the fact that I was a pretty chubby girl when I was little, and the kids were really cruel to me back then. I hated childhood, and I always felt comfortable around adults, but never around children.

I went to a councellor last year, and it didn't help. Then my doctor sent me to a psychiatrist. I saw him once, I hated him, he didn't even listen to what I had to say and then he talked down to me, while handing me a prescription for Paxil. It made me feel miserable. On Wednesday I am going to see a psychologist for the first time, but my insurance doesn't cover it and I'm afraid even if he's going to help me, I won't be able to afford that. And then I am going to be at the end of my rope. My husband refuses to move with me. What can I do other than banging my head against the wall and get drunk???

Sorry, this was long. I hope you had the patience to read all this...


Well-known member
Of course I have. It definitely helps to get it out. I don't blame you for being very tense and nervous when this boy is around. Afterall, this is your home, your garden, your car...and more importantly your bank account that suffers if this kid breaks anything. The boy has no concept of property value and the little things that make a house a home and sadly I don't think he will ever understand or appreciate it. I know they can be stubborn little buggers and that they seem to get power over being told off and being told not to do something. I am glad that they are just playing sports and not up to general mischief. You often hear stories about kids setting things alight, deliberately breaking things and generally being a nuisance but it's maybe a comforting thought that they're just trying to enjoy themselves as apposed to trying make everyones life a misery by being as destructive and awkward as possible.

How is Sam now he's back from this months dissappearance? Is he any better or just the same?


What you say makes lots of sense, and I am glad, that the boys don't destroy anything on purpose. That's a good thing. And my son enjoys this "play street" immensly. As for Sam, I don't really know because he has only been around a few times, and as I said earlier, tonight was the first night he played, but he left as soon as all the other kids when inside, around 8:30 PM. While he was leaving, he tore a part of one of my bushes off, which of course made me shreek when I saw it. I feel like I have to be glued to my window, spying out between the blinds to make sure they don't do anything bad, but when they do, I just panic and don't do anything about it. I think he is better. He is more prone to play with the older kids that don't want to hang in front of their houses... but I'm so scared that tonight was the beginning of a new episode of summer playing in front of my house exclusively. I'm a worrier. Now I am going to be scared for ever. I so want to move... but that's like running away... and what's going to happen in that new house? Who knows.


Well-known member
Aw I know, I don't blame you for being worried about what will happen now he's back again. Perhaps it's a good thing he's playing with older kids, they'll hopefully find somewhere else to go...most likely the back of the shops with a litre of cider and a straw no doubt but still lol. I really wish there was something you could do to resolve the situation...maybe just give him a few days and see what happens now he's back and with new people. Just don't let him know he's getting to you or he'll just start getting worse again. I know it's annoying and frustrating you can't even relax in your own home...but just try to stay calm as best as you can (without overdosing on the xanax or drinking your worries away) and just see how the next few days unfold. You never know, he might just suprise you.

I'm gonna have to call it a night I'm afraid (well morning, but y'know lol) but I hope you're ok. Feel free to email me or pm if you want to. Take care x


Good night (or good morning!), and thank you for letting me talk. I'll have to go to bed too, it's 11:21 PM right now and I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow morning... but I am enjoying the silent and darkness out there so much right now! :D All my worries are blown away once it is dark and late. Too late for children to be around. LOL

Thanks again for listening. I'll certainly check back in here tomorrow. Maybe I'd be a good listener too, for when you need one.

Talk to you soon!!
