Don't give up!


Well-known member
Do you wonder what you're going to do with the rest of your life and don't like your options?
Do you stay in bed and sleep so that the harsh realities of life can't find you and tear you down like they always do?
Do you feel that you can't go any lower or you'll sink into the ground and disappear-or secretly wish the ground would open and swallow you up so u didn't have to deal with pressures life seems to force on you?

i answered yes to all..
But recently, i really try to stay positive and count my blessings..
i read books that help me with my self esteem (although it's not really working :) )

These feelings are really just so human, so normal, except for the SA we're feeling it way too long..

The only thing that we have to do is not to give up!
Don't give up on the possibilities that we can regain control of our life..
It's just a matter of time..
You know :)
It's like trying to find pearls
At first, you have to get down on your hands and knees and scrounge in the dirt, lifting every bush and rock to find one pearl.
You first feel impatient..
But Wait!
Just as you're about to give up, u see something sparkling thru', but the sparkling pearl is still too far to reach. then u lie down flat on your stomach and scoot under the bush, farther and farther toward your reward.
Finally then u get it grasp it in your hand.. then the pearls will keep on appearing ..suddenly seem to be out in the open.

But for now just don't give up :)


Well-known member
nicely put, i'm glad you got out of the pit, i can tell you've been there :wink:

i try and do the same. life is too short to not enjoy it. we only get one time around. we might as well make the best of it

great thread!


Well-known member
yap :D I also recognise what you are saying. I often become impatient and I think that I'll never become satisfied about my life, but actually it's stupid because this is a process that takes some time. Anyway.. I realise this, but then i forget it again and later (a couple of days later..) I feel that i get no where again. Hmm I just think that I need to realise and remember this. Stupid to go on in the same circle again and again. Seems like I can't think about anything than how I need to change my life... Anyone know a solution to this? How to be able to change things but still be able to think about other stuff at the same time? When I'm sitting in the bus and other situation where it's just myself and my brain. Wonder what i thought about before all this SA was in my life...


Well-known member
I agree on everything.
I can't see my future. I can't imagine anything good about it. It's so sad and so frightening... But I'm so obstinated I just shan't give up.