Does your anxiety return when you stop your meds?


New member
Hello -

What are your experiences stopping meds ?

Personally, i was on Paxil (aropax) for 5 years which was amazing. (practically cured me)
I benefited from CBT aswell.

But each time i try to come off Paxil my anxiety returns ten fold. In turn I've devoloped a major dependancy on the drug. Im so scared I may have to go back on it for the rest of my life!!!

Anyone else experienced similar?
I thought SSRI's like Paxil were strictly short term because they decrease overall serotonin levels after extended use? I took Paroxetine for a twelve week period but my doctor flat out refused to prescribe me more after I had come off it. It might be tough love but you need to get off that stuff sooner rather than later if you don't want your problems coming back twenty fold next time you try to stop.
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Well-known member
I was put on Klonopin for anxiety & it didn't help at all for a very long time. I've been on it for around a year now & even though I still don't feel much of a difference while taking them, I've noticed it's been even harder for me to leave the house than usual the last couple times they've ran out. I don't really mind it, though. It just gives me hope that maybe something will finally help me with my SA.


Well-known member
Anxiety almost always returns when you stop medication use. I have heard of case reports where people would take an SSRI and the benefits would last long after but this seems to be rare.

Drugs like Klonopin or Xanax are pretty much guaranteed to cause worse anxiety (rebound anxiety) when stopping their use. This is due to a physical withdrawal reaction that comes with regular use. I came off of 4mg/day Klonopin aboot 1-2 years ago and I was housebound for many months whilst trying to get off of it.

To the OP: Paxil withdrawal can really suck due to its short half life. Sometimes people will switch to Prozac (which has a ridiculously long half life) to help them ween off of an SSRI. This is a common practice with both Paxil and Effexor. It might be something to look into if you have not has success discontinuing Paxil use.