does ne 1 else feel like this?or similar?plz reply!lol


Well-known member
hey this is gona sound weird lol but does ne 1 else think they walk funny but if u ask the person ur with they say no ur not?its like my whole body goes stiff its prob all the tension but i feel like i move very awkward


Hey it really doesnt sound weird to me... when sp first hit me its like i had forget how to walk properly... i was really paranoid about the way i walked, and i was right to be lol! i walked like a robot well stiff.. and it looked well dodgy like i lost my rythm.

The good thing is it improves.. you have to work on itt... i still feel paranoid about it but im pretty sure i walk ok now so no its not weird and ya not on ya own


Well-known member
phew am so relieved!ive felt that way since i was about 14 am now 22!i used to fear i had 1 leg shorter than the other 2!lol ********** u should really tell ur sis and the rest of ur family about SP it helps hugely to have there support
danfalc how did u work on it any tips at all?i am so relieved really i am!
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Well-known member
i get the fear of falling over if im walking thru the town..the pictures is the worst..i always have the fear of falling down the stairs!!


Sorry for the late reply my attenion was elsewhere... ummm tips.... i tried to focus less on myself and the way i was walking... cos focusing on it just makes it so much worse.And just practice... try and loosen up and let your body walk how it should rather than you controllling all ya movements


Well-known member
Yep. also get all stiff and feel aware of how I walk. It has also been commented. Luckily it's not something I'm worrying so much about.

kind of O.T
I feel that most of the time when I'm going somewhere with a group I end up walking alone - behind everyone else. Anyone recognise this and know what to do about it?


Well-known member
yeah i used to do that alot longlivesolitude when i had friends!lol,i always sum how managed to get right on the outside and felt to self conscious to walk in front of them and so always ended up right at the back lol,i suppose i just felt best there although i always really wanted to walk in the middle!
Yeah I had and still have to some extent the same problem, I don't like people looking at me when I walk either it makes me very concious. I'm surprised so many other people have this problem so it must be some product of SA for sure.

I think the trick is not to focus on your steps too much, I know I used to do that and I got very jittery and stiff.. lol. Just loosen up a bit, look at the ground if you have to or just look forward, just not at your feet.
yes sometimes i do feel that everyone would be looking at the way i walked.. i would become so nervous thinking that i am really walking strangely. to the extend i dont feel like walking just stopping there..
i overcomed it by telling myself so what if i am walking strangely.. heck care the others.


Well-known member
Have you ever walked through a busy intersection crosswalk? OMG I'm getting sweaty just thinking about it.


Well-known member
longlivesolitude said:
kind of O.T
I feel that most of the time when I'm going somewhere with a group I end up walking alone - behind everyone else. Anyone recognise this and know what to do about it?

Same for me, except I am not always walking behind. Sometimes I am walking in the middle or in front. But still, fucking alone. :)