Does anyone get easily obsessed with things?


New member
I've been obsessed with the internet/computer for about 6-7 years. I occupy my time playing WoW or watching TV series/Korean Drama. I'm American, but I enjoy the story lines of KDrama and watch it with fan made English subs.

I tend to get obsessed with characters in dramas. I stopped watching KDrama for a while, but recently I've been very lonely so I've started watching it again to occupy my time. After quickly finishing one series, I started up another one that I had already watched in the past but had enjoyed a lot. It's happy in the beginning but becomes very sad toward the end. (It has a happy ending though.) Quickly I started to remember why the drama had made me so sad in the past. I become extremely attached to the leading male character. I find him so charismatic, gorgeous, and appealing that I actually get upset that he isn't "real". He is a real man, but it doesn't feel the same if he's not the character in the drama. I don't even think watching him in another drama would be the same, because he would be playing a different character. He is extremely good looking in general, no doubt about that, but I love the personality of the character he plays in this particular show.

Related to that, I tend to get very emotional while watching shows in general. If something bad happens to the characters, I cry. I understand that crying over shows and movies is normal behavior, but very little things set me off. I think I cry over it more than the average person.
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Lol no, you don't sound nuts.
What I do is hold on to older shows I used to watch when I was younger because they bring back the past. Somewhere I wish I could stay in. Shows like My So Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Beavis and Butthead, and movies like Labyrinth and Neverending Story.

I don't cry because something bad happens to someone, but if it's a good romance or related to a lost love, I may wuss out and cry. It's the feeling that I wish I had that in my life. I want to be loved and share that love just like they do.

By the way, welcome to the forums. I hope you'll stay, and realize that most of us can relate to a lot of things you think and are going through :)


Well-known member
Kdrama are usually melodramas that always have a similar plot (handsome guy meets poor girl lol - sometimes the other way round)... And some kind of conflict between them and their family. There's nothing wrong with being obsessed, I used to be obsessed with it too (and I still love it).. I'm attracted to those kinds of stories..

WoW is quite a common obsession, nothing wrong with that.

Well like you, I'm obsessed with shoujo manga and I get so addicted, I can read days on end. Even though it's all fictional, I'm still attracted to the characters.

p i a n o♬

Well-known member
I love Korean Dramas just to let you know. ;)

Watch IRIS it's pretty good. My favorite.

I get easily obsessed with things but after a week of obsessing over it, it just goes away. I don't know why. If I liked it so much why do I have no interest anymore? I tend to cry at times when I see a sad movie or kDrama or book. It's very addicting to have a good cry in my opinion. My brother spends his day play WoW and so do many others.

Anyways, you're normal. I spend my days watching kDrama too. :)
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I used to watch a tonne of kdramas and TVB HK dramas with my ex. I never really got addicted to them, but I can understand it, certainly my ex was more obsessed with them.

These days I've been revisiting my childhood by watching old Shaw Brothers films and newer Johnnie To films. I'm such a campy guy, lol.

As far as obsessions go. I've been thinking about that recently. I used to think obsessions were healthy, creative habits and I used to indulge in them when I was young. I now realize there are healthy and there are unhealthy obsessions, it just depends on what you're obsessed with. If you're obsessed with one day becoming a doctor, then I suppose that's a healthy obsession.

In general though, I've taught myself not to get obsessive about anything, I just can't trust myself to over do it because I do have an obsessive personality. I tend to loose sight of the bigger life picture when I'm lost in some obsession. It does mean that life is a bit more bland these days, but I'm a lot more responsible for it.


Well-known member
I guess i do, but i don't see it as weird i just see it me being passionate about something.

Especially films and tv, I have 500+ dvds and so many boxsets. I'm also like you i get attached to characters and will cry when either something bad or happy happens to them but i just see that as me as being emotional and relating to things in my past.