Does anyone get anxious talking to close relatives?


Well-known member
Does anyone get anxious when around close family members?

I live with my grandmother and I get somewhat anxious around her. I don't like to watch T.V. with her and stuff. I can talk to her about certain stuff, but usually I don't like to and get nervous. Sometimes I'll come out of my room and see her in the living room and as I'm walking down the hall I'll say to myself, "don't look at me, don't look at me".

I get ultra nervous around my father because he gets easily angry when I say things to him. He will get mad if I talk to him about something he can't relate to. He doesn't even know my major in college, all he know is "something with computers". He can be nice, but I try to stay away because I don't like being yelled at, which is what happens every time I spend time with him.

When I talk to my brother I am completely normal.


Well-known member
I can't be around my family well either without being fidgety. My Father also has anger issues. My mom just plain ignores me whenever I try talking to her, (quite literally to), or she'll change the subject to something about herself even when I'm trying to have a serious talk. I pretty much gave up with telling them about myself along time ago.. They barely know me anymore and show no signs of wanting to.
My siblings are often to busy to bother saying hi to me, brother didn't even say happy birthday to me this year.

Your not alone buddy.


Well-known member
This sounds a lot like my family.
My dad had anger issues, although he doesn't live with us anymore, I only remember ever having 2 conversations with him, they both lasted about 3 sentences and was about molecules, and then one about why the radio sometimes shuts off around intersections. Apparently he was the driving force behind all the names I was called as a child, he and my sisters constantly would team up and put me down and it would go on for hours. This still happens a lot, damn they loved to group up and just talk about everything and anything they could think of that was wrong with me, it was a daily event.. :confused: where's the fun in that?
My mom is constantly analyzing me, trying to find flaws in me, she has ADD, social anxiety, anger problems and extreme frantic paranoia and worry, some doctors thought she also had multiple personalities... (I blame some of these, like paranoia, on her very high dosage of Ritalin.. leaning on reliance or abuse) she thinks I do everything as a plot against her, and has thought that ever since I was a small child... I remember once I cried in front of her (only the second time I have) and she said "you're going to go and cry now, just to make me feel bad?", so she walked away. I can tell her anything, even my hopes and dreams, and she'll find something negative or something I have said wrong. ("That's going to cost a lot of money!" or "but you won't be able to do that dream, you have social anxiety!") Also, she blames her severe ADD, but at least half of the times I attempt to greet her, she sighs heavily, rolls her eyes and tell me to go away because i'm "distracting her from her thoughts". And you know that feeling, when you say something giddily because you're in a good mood ("I'm feeling good today!" or something) and the other person sits there and continues what they're doing, unmoving, purposely ignoring you.. ugh I can barely stand it anymore.
Siblings are too busy with their own lives, they openly tell me they don't want to hear me speak anymore because "I always talk about the same things" (aka my interests? Pff).. I pay them a lot of attention and listen to them whenever they need me to, for hours on end, but one sentence I say about myself goes completely ignored unless I actually TELL THEM that they don't listen to me, and then, they agree. SIGH.

oh, the answer was yes I do feel uncomfortable around my family. The most uncomfortable :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I have started getting better with SA around other people, but I feel like I totally regress when I visit my parents, i pisses me off and makes me depressed.