does anyone ever use the chat feature or


Well-known member
imlosttoo said:
does or does it seem that it's its coded only for spanish....maybe it's my browser settings??/


come me duella cabeza este tarde ... ay caramba : I

no es mal hablar en espanol, y no hay faltas en tus "browser settings" :D

noone is there usually...


I go on, no one is there, I go out. I assume a lot of people probably do the same thing


Well-known member
Vancouver said:
Haha. I'm in there now.

well, you sent "hi message" and you lurked while us 3 had a conversation about half an hour, then you said "goodbye" and left.
that was funny, come again and do that thing repeatedly :lol:


Well-known member
rado31 said:
Vancouver said:
Haha. I'm in there now.

well, you sent "hi message" and you lurked while us 3 had a conversation about half an hour, then you said "goodbye" and left.
that was funny, come again and do that thing repeatedly :lol:

Lol. I left the computer unattended. You guys were boring the shit out of me by the time I got back, so I didn't feel like easing my way into your awkward conversation.

But yeah, otherwise I would've stayed :)


Well-known member
Vancouver said:
rado31 said:
Vancouver said:
Haha. I'm in there now.

well, you sent "hi message" and you lurked while us 3 had a conversation about half an hour, then you said "goodbye" and left.
that was funny, come again and do that thing repeatedly :lol:

Lol. I left the computer unattended. You guys were boring the shit out of me by the time I got back, so I didn't feel like easing my way into your awkward conversation.

But yeah, otherwise I would've stayed :)

What does it mean to "unattentionaly leave the computer", were you hijacked by mistake, and then put down again by pc? :S
I appreciate your straight-to-face answer. Although i will never admit that
i could be boring, others influenced me so i was trying to fit in :D


Well-known member
hey guys, you should all try using this
it's much better than connecting from the menu here. :D
if you need help with using this thing, ask zeroday or me... but it's pretty straight-forward. you connect to the server and then type in /join #spw in the status window and it takes you there.