Does anyone else have Paruresis (shy bladder)?


Well-known member
Having a shy bladder is so embarrassing and pretty uncomfortable when I have to hold it because the bathroom situation isn't perfect. I never tell a person until I am comfortable with them, well, as comfortable as I can be with another person, and even then it is still really difficult to talk about it. It has been my experience that people don't really understand how hard it is to have the problem.

I was just wondering how many other people also have this issue, and if any of you have done CBT to help rid yourself of it.

As with all social phobia, I feel like CBT can't really work. With other phobias, like those with clowns, spiders, flying, etc... one can slowly face their fear in small doses, but with SAD there is no way to have small increments of facing people. Maybe this is just my way of rationalizing my fear of trying CBT but it seems to make some sense.


Well-known member
I used to have this but after living in the dorms for 2 years, it's not much of a problem anymore.